Friday, February 12, 2016

Theater Whore: Deadpool

Deadpool 10/10

There will be some spoilers. I went to see Deadpool this morning. Yes. This morning. I went to the 10am showing at The Arclight over on Sunset. Could I have waited until later in the day? Or the weekend? No! Sunday they are doing that damned marathon and since it is Valentine's Day I'll be here spending the day with the woman I am deeply in love with. Kidding! I'm barely loved by folks. This movies stars Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool/Wade Wilson, Morena Baccarin as Vanessa, Ed Skrein as Ajax, T. J. Miller as Weasel , Gina Carano as Angel Dust, Brianna Hildebrand as Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Stefan Kapičić as Colossus, and Leslie Uggams as Blind Al.

I normally don't mention that many people in movies but I had to with this one. Everyone was so damned right for their roles. This movie is different from the comic book in terms of its origin but its much cleaner and less convoluted. It starts off from the credits funny. Everyone in the theater was cracking up. The story jumps back and forth between present day and the past but the way its done is great. Deadpool talks to the camera or just out loud so when something seems extreme he will show you why he is being so violent. Wade Wilson used to be a mercenary but now tracks down stalkers. The pizza guy scene had me cracking up then going “Oh, right! He's violent as fuck!” And this is even before he gets powers!

Wade ends up meeting a prostitute named Vanessa. They bond by talking about their fucked up pasts like its a contest. He asks how much his two hundred and something bucks and a yogurt coupon card can get him. She says 48 minutes of whatever the hell he wants. He wants to play skee ball. They develop a relationship which I will not spoil but their celebration of holidays had me cracking up laughing. He ends up proposing to her and immediately passes out after taking a piss. He thinks he is dead after being diagnosed with cancer while Vanessa is thinking of how to fix it. “You're right. Cancer's only in my liver, lungs, prostate, and brain. All things I can live without.”

Wade is given the chance to not only have his cancer cured but become a hero by a super shady ass looking guy. He leaves Vanessa without saying goodbye and ends up at this place where it looks like everyone is being tortured. After being beaten, shocked, drowned, frozen, and everything else you can think of it turns out that this place isn't to cure him. Its being run by Ajax and this dick wants to waking his mutant gene, if its even there, and make him a killer for hire. He eventually breaks free and discovered that he can't be killed. He can be hurt though. He takes a bullet in the asshole that bugs him quite a bit.

Colossus from X-Men show up to stop Deadpool at one point because he wants him to join the team. Deadpool says he is no hero and makes fun of the team constantly. At one point he is confused by who is Professor X asking if ti is James McAvoy or Patrick Stewart. Also there is a mutant that I wish got more time named Negasonic Teenage Warhead. Deadpool loves her name.

I have heard some complaints about the main villain as well as the last fight in the movie. This is mostly from people that get to see movies for free at screenings and have a tendency to not be able to sit and enjoy a movie with pure joy in their hearts. This movie made me laugh my ass off. And what caught me by surprise was that the relationship aspect of the story between Deadpool and Vanessa. When you see how much they love her, what he does to be with her, and what they do to him and her you get why he is insane and does what he does. I expected to love this movie if it was close to what the trailer showed. It was way more than that. Its not just dick jokes. Their are ass jokes too. This movie is very violent, has nudity, and a guy getting pegged. If you don't know what that is don't check. You're okay not knowing.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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