Wednesday, March 2, 2016

The Review: Steve Jobs

I finally got a chance to check out the movie Steve Jobs. I have to say that I enjoyed it very much and if I'd watched it before writing my favorite movies of the year and recording the Chocket Awards (click here to check that out!) I would have added this to some of my categories. This stars Michael Fassbender as Jobs and Kate Winslet as Joanna Hoffman. This movie was so damned enjoyable and seemed to fly by as I watched it as his career through clever use of flashbacks show his career helping build the first Apple computer in a garage to being a multimillionaire.

It starts out in 1984 with Jobs harassing an employee over the computer not welcoming the audience with a hello and threatening to embarrass him in front of everyone. They end up finagling a way to make it work. Jobs is also upset about a Time article not being about him but a computer. Not his computer but a random one. His marketing executive Hoffman tries her best to deal with his tantrums, self destructive behavior. Also the fact that he has a young daughter named Lisa that he denies is even his and the mother that wants to be supported by him.

I didn't think I would enjoy this movie as much as I did. I really liked the acting, the way it was filmed, and the damned dialogue. Camille says to her it felt like a play and I agree with her. I had small issues with the movie like Winslet's accent fluctuating a few times dramatically but otherwise I really liked this.

Click here for previous The Review

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