Sunday, April 10, 2016

The Review: Tree Of Life

Tree Of Life 8/10

I checked out the movie Tree Of Life with Evie yesterday. I had heard of this movie but never really wanted to see it. I didn't know what it was about except that some had mentioned the fact that the visuals were nice but I did not hear much about the actual story. Evie explained to me that it was not a linear tale which helped because I kept wanting to ask questions about what was happening and what was about to happen.

The movie stars Brad Pitt as a father that is super strict with his sons. You witness the birth of all three of his boys with the idea that one of them is going to die at some point. The mother played by Jessica Chastain is super sweet to her boys while the father, angry that he never followed his true passion in life to be a musician tends to take out the lack of his dream following on the boys, particularly the oldest. There are also scenes involving Sean Penn as one of the children as an adult regretful of how he treated his father after the death of his brother.

At random moments throughout the film there are scenes of the creation of the planet, creatures growing, the world ending, the possible afterlife. All kinds of stuff. This is one of those movies that is best with someone that has seen it or someone that can talk to you about it afterward. Visually there are a lot of beautiful scenes and music that I'll be listening to later on tonight.

Click here for previous The Review.

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