Friday, April 22, 2016

Theater Whore: Midnight Special

Midnight Special 9/10

Tonight Cam and I went to check out the movie Midnight Special. All I knew about this movie from the trailer was that Michael Shannon was in it and some kids eyes glowed. That's it. We headed to the Arclight in Hollywood because the sometimes at Sundance were wonky. I'm not going to spoil too much about this movie because the less you know the better.

Shannon is a father named Roy who along with Lucas played by Joel Edgerton are on the run from the law. Roy is on the news with alerts saying that he kidnapped a young boy. They realize that its time to hoof it and end up being spotted on the way out. Meanwhile the FBI raid a church/compound where the missing boy, Alton played by Jaeden Lieberher, is worshiped as a savior.

There is so much more I want to say about this movie but I can't without ruining it and the best thing about this movie was that I had no idea what was going to happen next or how it'd end. The acting was great and I can not imagine anyone else playing these roles. I enjoyed the music, the silent parts, and how so much was said by the characters facial expressions. There were some unanswered questions but like I told Cam, I'd rather not know them. This is easily going to make my list of favorite films at the end of the year. I hope more people get the opportunity to see this in theaters.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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