Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Theater Whore: Cell

Cell 2/10

Though this is being labeled as a Theater Whore review its actually a The Review since I watched it On Demand. It will be in theaters next month though they could save a lot of money by not wasting their time doing so. Cell is based off of a Stephen King novel of the same name which also happens to be the last King book I have ever read. I liked the book but the last part of it was so bad that it made me hate that I even read it. So why did I decide to watch this movie? Because I needed something on while I ironed, that's why. This stars John Cusack and Samuel L. Jackson as a father searching for his son in the chaos caused by everyone being on a cell phone going berserk.

The crazy folks act like zombies one second and like crazy 28 Days Later rage monsters the next. Cusack, Jackson, little boy, and victim girl go around making bad decisions and having nightmares about this crazy ass guy in a red hoodie that Cusack's character created in his comic book. Don't try to make sense about it because no one can, not even the writers. This movie wasn't enjoyable but I managed to sit through it. They changed the terrible ending from the book but managed to make it somehow even worse. This should make negative money in theaters.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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