Friday, July 1, 2016

Theater Whore: Independence Day Resurgence

Independence Day: Resurgence 3/10

After being asked to play the female president in Independence Day: Resurgence actress Susan Sarandon said “When I read the script, I couldn't understand what was going on. I just couldn't understand it. Seriously. A lot of the people from the original one were not going to be doing it, and I read it and I just thought, 'No. I can't. I just can't'.” She made a good choice. This movie wasn't hot garbage but I would never tell someone to watch it no matter how much they liked the first one. This takes place twenty years after the first and in case you're wondering, Vivica Fox is not still a stripper. She a nurse now. Yay her...I guess.

The world is at peace after beating the aliens all those years ago the same year I lost my virginity but for whatever reason there are still warlords toting guns in Africa. You know what? That is something that always bothered me about the first movie. How in the blue hell did they bring the ships down in Africa?! They show people cheering with spears in the air with a city size ship going down in flames. How?! How they do that?! Anyway, everyone has alien weapons now and suddenly even though we have a shit ton of their weapons and technology from reverse engineering them we can't spot a ship coming that, I shit you not, is 3000 miles big. That is not a typo. “It came through a wormhole.” Kiss my ass, wormhole.

Will Smith is not back but Jeff Goldblum, his annoying dad, the dude that played the president in the first one, as well as Data from Star Trek are around. The plot is pretty much the same as the first but less entertaining. Given the fact that this is twenty years later its weird that the special effects in this look so video game like. All ship shots were from the cockpit and then the wider action ones were video games. Smith's kid in this watches his mother die and less than a day later he is flying through the sky laughing and shit. Lot of dead parents in this. Oh, and there is a scene in Singapore where in case you were wondering what country there were in a Chinese food box floats up in a cab. Millions of people dead. They plan on making a sequel. My ass they will.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I had no idea what was going on in this movie either. What a waste. Susan Sarandon was right.

    - Zach
