Saturday, September 24, 2016

Theater Whore: The Magnificent Seven

The Magnificent Seven 9/10

Some spoilers. This movie had no right to be as good as it was. I'm not saying I expected it to be bad because I am a fan of Antoine Fuqua and have seen Training Day over 50 times but damn this was a really entertaining movie. With such a large cast everyone got the right amount of time to get their personal stories across and even the ones that didn't get a super deep one were still great. This takes place in the 1870's where Bartholomew Bogue played by Peter Sarsgaard is mining and just running people out of the town of Rose Creek. He is a total dick. I mean, there is nothing good about this guy. From attacking people in a church to burning it to the ground and then shooting people dead in the street...within five minutes. This isn't some shit he did over a week long period. He wastes no time establishing himself as a terrible human being.

Emma Cullen played by Haley Bennett who I did not know but was really awesome in this watches as her husband is shot dead for standing up for the town. Bartholomew is like “Leave the bodies for a few days” in the street to prove a point. She and her friend go looking for help and find Sam Chisolm played by Denzel Washington. They want a bounty hunter which he is not but still offers to help. Once he finds out who they want killed he is all in. He brings along Josh Faraday played by Chris Pratt telling him he can work off the debt of a horse he just paid for. Its a loose reason for Faraday to join because he just likes to have fun and wants something to do. They are also joined by Goodnight Robicheux and Billy Rocks played by Ethan Hawke and Byung-hun Lee. Each of these guys are so damned cool!

One of last to be recruited are Vasquez played by Manuel Garcia-Rulfo who is found camping in a cabin with a dead man. He is being hunted by Chisolm is like “I really don't care, I need some dangerous men to help me defend this town.” Vincent D'Onofrio as Jack Horne wins for best entrance because it made me and my cousin jump it was so sudden and unexpected. Last is Red Harvest played by Martin Sensmeier who is a Comanche warrior. Those last two provide a lot of humor. By the way, another thing I did not expect. To laugh that much watching this.

I kind of expected it to be like “Okay. They are all together. Now the shooting begins.” But they spend more time developing the characters and their motivations. This isn't a movie that turns into a big dick contest (except kinda between Faraday and Vasquez who just don't like each other). Emma isn't close to being a damsel in distress but she also isn't shouting “I am woman hear me roar!” She is just good at what she does and even the moments someone tries to talk down to her because she is a woman it don't work.

The music in this was super good and it was nice to watch a Western with Western music. This is James Horner's last film before he died. He had not even seen the movie but was inspired and just started making music for it. The look of the film is good too. Everyone got a chance to breathe and show what made them who they are, good or bad. This movie was super satisfying. I have seen Seven Samurai and the original Magnificent 7 and would put this up with those two. I know that is saying a lot but its true. I wouldn't call this a remake exactly because it somehow made itself its own movie. Also keep in mind that people for some reason love to shit on the director when you are reading reviews. Just take a chance and see this. Its the best movie out right now.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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