Friday, November 11, 2016

Theater Whore: Nerve

Nerve 6/10

I was so close to giving this a 7/10 but the more I thought about the movie Nerve the more the ending didn't sit right with me. This will have some spoilers by the way. Jasmine suggested I check this out and I couldn't quite remember what it was until it got started. I remembered the trailer and whoever made it needs to be fired because it really didn't serve this movie justice. Its not as bad as that trailer was. This stars Emma Roberts as Venus Delmonico. She's living at home with her mom played by Juliette Lewis and she wants to leave New York and go to art school in Los Angeles but since her brother died her mother is in full “No one leaves me alone!” mode.

Her friend Sydney played by Emily Meade tells her about this new game called Nerve. Imagine all those dumb challenges kids do these day but on a larger scale and money is involved. You can pay to be a watcher and just watch and chip in to watch people do stunts within a time limit or be player n which you do the stunts. Sydney does stunts and makes money and after being an asshole to Venus she decides to try this game herself. The rules are everything you do must be recorded, you do not get the money if you fail or bail, and you absolutely can not contact cops. Her first dare is easy. Kiss a stranger for five seconds. Of course she finds Ian played by Dave Franco and not some ugmo. Minutes later he sings loudly in the restaurant. Turns out he is playing to. And he is good. One of the top in the game.

The rest of the movie is a series of dares and people like seeing the two of them together. The stunts get progressively more dangerous especially with this guy named Ty played by rapper Machine Gun Kelly who is also trying to get to the top of the rankings. The movie moves along well enough until the end it just comes to an abrupt stop with a moral message that kinda makes you feel bad for watching the movie which is weird because the movie is about watching people watch people do things that are crazy or dangerous. This is still a cool movie and shot beautifully but that ending was far too heavy handed for me.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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