Friday, February 3, 2017

Theater Whore: Arrival

Arrival 9/10

There will be some spoilers. This always happens. I will have long since made my best of list (click here to check that out) and then I'll see some movie and for sure know I would have added it to that list. I watched Arrival and this damned movie was as good as folks have been saying. People have been comparing it to Contact and that does not work for me at all since I did not like that movie at all. I am also not a fan of the last film the director of this did either. This movie was great. A damned movie about aliens arriving to the planet and there was no space battles, punching aliens in their mouths, or using their weapons against them.

Amy Adams is a linguist named Louise Banks. She has some flashbacks of taking care of her daughter, talking to her, and over time watching her die from cancer. Its depressing. I was like “Oh, its one of those kinda films, huh?” One day while working at her job lecturing students only a few are there. Next thing you know their phones start ringing one by one and one asks her to turn the TV on. She does and they see that twelve ships have landed on Earth so class is canceled for the day. While at home watching the news like everybody else Forest Whitaker shows up like “You know language. Come figure out what the fuck these things are saying.” Jeremy Renner shows up as Ian Donnelly who is a physicist.

They are let into the ship and there is a wall between them and the creatures. You just see their crazy ass tentacle arms and hear the sounds they make. Its creepy as hell and I would have been like “I'm gonna leave y'all to this!” and boned out. She doesn't and slowly begins to learn what the aliens are saying to them because the military all around the world are just itching to blow shit up. I don't wanna ruin or spoil anything else but what I really liked about this movie was the reactions people had to huge alien ships showing up the way they did. There was no “USA! USA! Let's get them!” People freaked the fuck out. It was awesome. You should really check this one out.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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