Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Theater Whore: Get Out

Get Out 10/10

This will have spoilers because I have so much to say about the movie Get Out. I remember last year watching the trailer for this and going “I must see this movie with a White person!” I got my wish! They weren't with me but four White ladies were in the audience when I saw this at the AMC. They probably saw me and were like “Aw, fuck...” After twenty minutes of trailers (this movie theater needs to stop that) I was ready to jump, laugh, and think way harder than I planned on. This was directed by Jordan Peele and I am excited to see what he does next. At the start a guy looking for directions and scared to be in a suburban neighborhood is choked out and kidnapped and thrown into the trunk of a car by a masked man. This stars Daniel Kaluuya as Chris Washington. He and his girlfriend of five months Rose Armitage played by Allison Williams plan to go visit her family for the first time. Chris asks her if they know he is Black and she assures him that they wont mind even though he is her first Black boyfriend.

While heading to their place they end up hitting a deer. After Chris checks on it and Rose talks to a cop he asks Chris for his ID. Chris is ready to give it over but Rose protests. Chris thinks it was sexy. I would have told her to shut up before I got shot. I know her intentions are good, but fuck that. On the phone Chris' friend Rod calls and warns Chris to be careful because of how White people are. I cracked up every time this guy talked. He would say things I was thinking and react the same way I would to what Chris was telling him. Rod is played by Lil Rel Howery. He is watching Chris' dog while he is away.

They get to her parents place and Rose's father is just like she described. Everything is “my man” and using slang to relate to Chris. This is a real thing and embarrassing. Stop doing that. Her parents are Missy and Dean played by Catherine Keener and Bradley Whitford who I didn't even recognize. They remind Rose that a huge gathering is this weekend. Their son Jeremy shows up and he is a fucking mess. He is played by Caleb Landry who I also did not recognize. Missy finds out that Chris smokes and Dean suggests that Chris lets his wife hypnotize him and help him stop. Chris laughs it off.

Later that night when he cant sleep Chris heads outside to smoke when he sees a groundskeeper Walter that he met earlier darting towards him full speed. He suddenly cuts right. Chris looks up and sees the maid Georgina played by Betty Gabriel acting all kinds of creepy. He heads inside and ends up passing Missy in her study. She begins to hypnotize Chris without his asking or wanting. He reveals that his mother was hit by a car and died on the side of the road while instead of calling the police to say she is missing or late he just watched TV all night. He has tears just streaming down his face the entire time until Missy puts him in the “sunken place.” He drops into nothingness while watching her. He suddenly wakes in bed hearing Rose showering. He figures it was all a dream.

Everyone shows up for he gathering the next day and all the guests know Chris. They size him up. Literally. His arms are squeezed. He is asked questions out of the blue about Black culture. A Japanese dude even asks him questions about being Black in America. Chris is creeped out by all of this and walks away finding a blind man that buys art and knows of Chris photography. I forgot to mention he does photography. Chris spots another Black guy and when he turns around its the same Black dude that was kidnapped at the start of the movie! He is talking like an old man though and weird as shit. He introduces himself as Logan King and he is played by LaKeith Stanfield. He is on that show Atlanta. Chris ends up snapping a photo of him and he loses his shit and starts sounding the way he did at the beginning of the movie. Meaning like a Black guy.

Missy helps make Logan better and Chris sends the picture he took to his friend Rod. Rod recognizes him through mutual friends and sees that he was reported missing six months ago. Chris phone keeps getting unplugged and when he tells Rose the maid Georgina apologizes. Chris says it is okay and Georgina ends up acting all strange and tears roll down her cheek before she smiles and leaves. Rod, a TSA agent, goes to the police and talks to Detective Latoya played by Erika Alexander who I have not seen in years and is fine as fuck in this. I actually said “Wow” when she popped up on screen. She of course does not believe his story of White people capturing Black people and making them sex slaves.

Chris tells Rose it is time to leave after realizing that he was actually hypnotized by her mother. But as he is packing he finds a book of Rose's that is filled with her and other Black men. Remember, she said he was her first (I've heard that one before...). He sees many Black men, including the groundskeeper as well as the maid Georgina! He is in full fuck this mode and tries to get out but is blocked by the family and Rose who can not find her keys. She reveals to be a part of all of this when Missy taps her spoon and sets Chris off. He passes out and wakes up tied to a chair. A video shows the history of this secret club where they transplant their minds into younger bodies. At the moment they are using Black ones. Meanwhile Dean is preparing to do surgery on the brains using that blind guy that knew Chris.

Rod has been calling Chris' phone and finally Rose answers acting concerned but she is pure acting. She is stone faced talking to him and saying that Rod wants to sleep with her. Rod hangs up. Chris is sitting in the chair tied up and the son Jeremy shows up to take Chris to surgery and doesn't know that Chris stuffed his ears with the cotton from the chair he is seated in. Chris smashes his head with a pool ball, stabs Dean with antlers, and spoons Missy to death. I loved this scene because Chris is not rampaging, smashing sit, and smiling. He is just calmly wrecking shit. He escapes and ends up hitting Georgina with his car before tossing her inside because it reminds him of what happened to his mother. Rose has a shotgun and starts blasting at their asses and says “Grandma...” Oh, shit! The maid has Grandma inside of her! And guess who the groundskeeper is? Grandpa! Oh fuck!

I'm gonna stop covering the movie right there. I have already spoiled a bunch of shit. This movie was so damned good. I jumped a couple of times. The story was paced perfectly too. As outlandish as the premise sounds when reading it while watching it made perfect sense. This movie had everything you could want. Great character development, a lot of inside shit that means I will have to watch this more than once to get. There are a lot of blog posts that point out the significance of them. Go see this in theaters wile its still there. I fucking loved this movie. Thanks to my cousin Jasmine for pushing me to watch this.

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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