Saturday, May 6, 2017

Theater Whore: Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2

Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2 – 10/10

There will be spoilers! This movie is awesome! Miss Jackie and I headed to the Arclight over in Hollywood after some damn good food at Plan Check and checked out Guardians Of The Galaxy Volume 2. I have not laughed or tried not to cackle so much while watching a movie outside my house in a long ass time. This movie takes place a few months after the first one and it feels like it. The team isn't this well oiled machine that can do no wrong. It starts off with a massive battle with the team versus a creature that is arriving to devour a battery. During this time Baby Groot is making everyone laugh in the theater and Gamora and Quill are arguing. Drax is acting like a lunatic diving into the monsters mouth. They were hired by a race called the Sovereign who will give them Nebula in return. This all happens in the beginning of the movie along with a flashback showing Peter Quill's/Star Lord's dad with his mom before she passed away.

Of course while completing the mission Rocket decides to steal some batteries because they are worth a lot. Drax agrees with this decision. Oh, and Rocket insults them which is a no-no since they are supposedly perfect and kill for offending them. The Sovereign find out and send a fleet of ships that are piloted by them from their planet as if they are playing a video game. The team crash land on a strange planet after being saved by a mysterious man riding an egg shaped ship. The team decide to split up with Rocket and Groot staying to repair the ship and Quill, Gamora, and Drax leaving to explore the planet known as Ego with the man claiming to be Peter's father.

You know, I can't sit here and review this like I normally do. There are so many new characters and things happening that this would be a damned novel. You just need to know that if you liked the first one you are going to love this one. Christ Pratt as Star Lord is cool. He is a tiny bit more responsible than he was in the first movie. Zoe Saldana as Gamora is good and there is growth in her character. She is still not 100% over the way she was raised by Thanos and is still a warrior that does not know how to show affection. Don't forget, she was forced to fight her sister Nebula for his love and attention. Or what passes for it.

Nebula is played by Karen Gillan and you find out why she hates her sister Gamora so much. It turns out that for every fight she lost against her sister Thanos removed a body part and replaced it with a cybernetic one. I felt bad for thinking she was so damned evil in the first movie. Bradley Cooper is back as Rocket and some of the best jokes are aimed towards him. When he was called a “trash panda” I lost it and had to bury my face to keep from laughing too loud and I know I missed more jokes just trying not to laugh. Vin Diesel returns as Baby Groot which I wasn't sure about. I didn't know if he was voicing him again or not. Everyone left that theater wanting a Baby Groot for a pet/friend. That thing was too damned cute.

Michael Rooker is back as Yondu Udonta and has some of the coolest scenes in the movie using that arrow that he controls by whistling. The more I learned about his back story the more I wanted to see him. That's one of the things about this movie. They managed to continuously introduce new characters or add on to previous ones but managed to keep it so balanced that I didn't feel overwhelmed. I just wanted to see more of them.

Pom Klementieff appears as Mantis and I loved this weird ass woman. She has lived with Ego and has no ability to be around people without being weird. If she touches you she can feel your emotions or even change them. She mostly helps Ego sleep. I could watch an entire movie with her and Drax talking. Oh, Drax! Some of the funniest shit in this movie is based around him! Drax had me dying! Played by Dave Bautista he is not just the muscle of the group which was nice. He is still insane and doesn't grasp simple phrases but he is trying and his trying is funny as hell.

Kurt Russell is Ego the Living Planet. When I saw that his name was Ego I was wondering how this would play out because I know who that character is in comics and he is just a big ass planet that is sentient. The way they changed this around for the movie worked out perfectly. He is a really good villain for this movie and a nice change from previous villains in comic book movies.

There is too much to say about this movie and I don't want to spoil anymore of it. I loved the music in this, the action, the writing, and the look of it. I absolutely loved this movie. I want to see this again and I saw it less than twelve hours ago. Seriously, if you liked the first movie this one is gonna blow your ass away. There are so many characters that will pop up and if you are a comic book fan you'll go “I know them!” That happened many times. And stay during the credits for a lot of extra scenes. Most of the theater did and we even saw the Arclight Stories thing at the end. Go see this and have fun for two hours!

Click here for previous Theater Whore.

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