Friday, August 25, 2017

The Review: Death Note

Death Note 2/10

I had photos ready and was gonna write a long review about Death Note that premiered on Netflix and then I realized that it was not worth the trouble. I've never watched the anime this was based off of so I have no attachments to it. I know what it is and the premise and that's about it. Some kid finds a book that gives him the ability to kill people just by writing their name down. In this series this weak ass guy that is supposed to be in high school but looks way older but really is not gets the book one day while sitting outside looking weak. It falls from the sky and a demon shows up telling him some rules of the book which of course he tries to bend and shit. This girl he likes wants to be with him as they find criminals and have them die.

There was nothing to really like about this. The demon that shows up looks silly as shit. It looked like a rubber mask and sounding like the Green Goblin (which makes sense when I saw Willem Dafoe did the voice). The main guy and girl were lame as shit and made me feel like I was watching a CW show. The Black dude was fine and did what he could with what he was given. The action scenes seemed like they were done by someone that kinda knows what action is supposed to look like but doesn't quite know how to execute it properly. Don't waste your time watching this unless you just wanna complain. Like me.

Click here for previous The Review.

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