Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Theater Whore: Atomic Blonde

Atomic Blonde 1/10

There will be some spoilers. I was so excited to see this movie based off of the trailers and finally got my chance today. Atomic Blonde is a dumpster fire. If you wanna see Charlize Theron punching people, shooting people, stabbing people, and getting her ass kicked then you'll love this movie. It takes place in 1989 aka the 80's which I was not aware of. That means that every single fucking scene has a new song that starts playing. It was cool for two songs but by the end you start hearing different versions of the same songs being played. It wasn't cool. Speaking of which, this entire movie seems to scream “Isn't this shot cool?! Look at that lighting! Oh, did you see that?! Wasn't that cool looking?! Everything looks so cool!”

This is about a spy looking for other spies before some other spies find a list of all the spies putting those spies lives in danger...from spies. Dead serious. This movie blew. Even the last scene was ruined by the trailer because I knew she was not in danger. And another scene from the trailer that looked cool, the one where she repels down over a balcony by swinging from a rope tied to a guys neck, was ruined in the movie by that goddamn Wilhelm Scream. I hate that scream and how often it pops up in movies till this day. This movie is not a comedy. Why add that? This movie also had no sense of danger because she is telling this story to two superiors in a room. So when I see her tackled down stairs and shot at I know she is fine because here she is smoking a cigarette and being smug.

I did not enjoy this movie at all but wont give it a 0/10 because I at least did not walk out of the theater. This movie felt like some bullshit Theron should have done years ago like Aeon Flux. This was just pure flash with no substance and a waste of a talented cast I wont embarrass by listening their names.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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