Sunday, September 24, 2017

The Review: Moana/Kubo And The Two Strings

Moana 9/10

I decided to finally start plowing through my Netflix list and watched Moana. As you can tell by the score I fucking loved this movie. I'm not sure why I waited so long to see this. Hmm. Maybe because it takes a lot for me to get interested in animated movies these days. This is about a chief's daughter on a Polynesian island where her entire life she just wants to leave and go across the sea. Her dad is like “Fuck all that!” while her grandmother encourages her. As she grows up with the water being one of her friends along with a pig and an insane chicken that is close to the star of this movie she eventually sets sail after she finds out that the island is slowly dying.

This movie had actual laugh out loud moments and a scene that made onion ninjas appear and almost get me. I had a lot of fun watching this movie and suggest it to anyone. Oh, and the songs are really good. They don't feel forced. There is one done big a crab that I really liked and the one by The Rock has had me singing “You're welcome!” all damned day.

Kubo And The Two Strings 2/10

I also watched Kubo And The Two Strings. I'd wanted to watch this for a while because I liked the way the animation looked. This one turned out to be a huge disappointment. It's about a one eyed boy whose mother is hiding him from his grandfather that wants both of his eyes and her crazy ass sisters. He has to be home from the village where he plays music that makes origami come to life before the sun goes down. He lives in a cave with his mother who is almost always in a coma-like state. One day he stays out too late trying to talk to his dead father and is attacked by his aunt. Next thing you know mom is dead and he is on a quest with a monkey and beetle samurai.

I liked the animation of this and the hard work involved which is why I gave this a 2 instead of a 1. But the story was weak as hell, the voices did not fit this at all, and the ending (including the dumb ass twist) was lame. If you watch this on mute you may enjoy it.

Click here for previous The Review.

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