Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Theater Whore: IT

IT 9/10

This movie was awesome. Oh, there will be spoilers, ya big babies. H. and I headed to the Arclight and got to check out IT. I have never read the book and barely watched the first one because we watched it in class. Yeah. That's the kind of school I went to. I say this to point out that I have no emotional attachment to this movie and no concerns whether or not it was as good as the first or if it stuck to the source material of the book. I just wanted it to not suck and not only did it not suck this was one of the best movies I've seen this year.

This takes place in 1988 in a very casual way I enjoyed. It didn't jam the fact that it was in the past down my throat. It starts off with this kid named Bill making a paper boat for his little brother Georgie. Georgie ends up having it was down a storm drain. Suddenly a creepy ass clown named Pennywise the Dancing Clown appears. Now, in my childhood watching a boat or anything go down a drain means I just lost it. But not Georgie. He chats it up with this scary ass thing and just when he reaches for the boat he gets his arm ripped right the fuck off! As he tries to crawl away a long ass arm reaches out and snatches his little ass right down. This is before the damned title screen!

Almost a year later and Georgie is still missing. Bill and his friends whose named I won't try recalling for this and will just typecast appear. Richie the potty mouth, Eddie the hypochondriac, and Stanley the Jewish kid. Bill thinks his brother may have washed up into a certain area called the Barrens and wants to investigate it. His father is like “He dead! Stop it!” Bill don't stop though. There is also a new kid that loves New Kids On The Block named Ben. He the fat one. And there's Bev the girl. The whole school thinks she is a slut and her father is a super perv. Every time he is on screen my skin crawled. There is also a bully named Bower who is a super dick. He kicked the shit out of the fat kid who ends up finding the rest of the group and joining them. Oh, and there's the Black kid named Mike. He works in a slaughter house, is home schooled, and lost his parents in a fire.

Each of these kids start to have visions of Pennywise or something. The Jewish kid has a scary ass painting come to life and chase him. Bev's bathroom pisses blood. Potty mouth is scared of clowns so he is super fucked. Black kid gets a glimpse of hell. Hypochondriac has a leper chase him. Bill sees a rotted version of his little brother. Fat kid is chased by a headless guy. Fuck that scene by the way. I'm sure H. was tired of my ass by the time this movie ended because I was full of “Nope!” “Why?!” and “Just run!” They finally decide to share this information with each other and fat kid lets them know he's been doing his homework on the time and the disappearance and murder rate is higher than anywhere else in the country. Its pretty much Chicago times two. When these kids confront Pennywise on multiple occasions its full on WSHH beatdowns taking place. And just when I thought he couldn't get more fucked up he did. He would find new ways to fuck with my head to where I had to ask out loud “Why is he being so damned spooky?!”

This movie leaves itself wide open for a sequel and I am so happy about that. The kids in this were funny, scared as hell, and were perfect for their parts. Hell, even the bullies were full on bullies not that bullshit we call bullying these days. One of them was a straight up kid waiting to attempt murder. And Pennywise was fucking horrifying. The main reason I did not give this a 10/10 is because at certain times the kids attitudes lost some consistency and they would do dumb shit just to push the story along. Otherwise this movie was really good and you should check it out.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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