Friday, October 20, 2017

The Review: Some Like It Hot

Some Like It Hot 9/10

I got to see Some Like It Hot a few decades after it came out. Hey. Shut it. J-Ro suggested this so we checked it out. I knew that Marilyn Monroe was in it and that is about it. And, boy, is she in it. These two guys named Joe and Jerry played by Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon who are in a jazz band. Joe has gambling issues and after the club they are playing at is raided they take off running. They end up stumbling across this gangster named Spats and witness him just straight up murdering some guys. They realize they need to get their asses out of town fast.

After losing what little money they have because of Joe and dog races they hear about a band that needs players in Florida but the problem is it is an all girl band. They end up dressing up as two terrifying looking women named Josephine and Daphne. They board a hotness train filled with women and the main one being Sugar Kane played by Monroe. I mean...come on. The train ride is them trying to control the urge to have the sex with the ladies and gawk at them. They end up having a party in one of the beds that magically the manager of the band does not hear until way later.

Joe wants to make a move on Sugar but she says that saxophone players have always broken her heart so he comes up with another disguise to get her of a billionaire with all of the things she likes. Glasses, different voice, aloof. She can't resist him. So now he is running from the mob and playing two different people. Meanwhile Jerry/Daphne is trying to keep this weird little rich man out of his draws. Jerry has to remind Joe that he is a jerk and is only going to break Sugar's heart and that they are women and not supposed to be hitting on the girls. Good luck with that.

Since this is one of those kinda movies the mob show up in Miami for pretty much a mob convention and they are spotted. More murder happens and the cop that has been handling the case shows up and never quite seems to do his job right until someone is killed. After wining and dining Sugar Joe/Josephine/Junior tells Sugar that he has to leave her but gives her a bracelet that the weird millionaire gave Jerry/Daphne. Daphne is all about the millionaire now and planning a wedding but it talked down by Joe who reminds him that men can not marry one another. They end up escaping the resort and Sugar comes along. Even after revealing the truth she still wants Joe and even after being told that he is a man the millionaire still wants to be with Jerry. Happy endings all around except for them dead mobsters.

This movie was really funny and one of the things I appreciate most about old movies is that the camera does not cut constantly. Scenes can last for over a minute and it is not jumping over one shoulder to another for closeup shots. Also, Monroe is almost too hot in this. I just kept thinking “Damn...” whenever she was on screen. I read about all the issues during this movie afterward and am glad that I waited because knowing that stuff beforehand would've ruined the experience for me. You should check this out if you have not.

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