Tuesday, December 26, 2017

The Review: Wormwood

Wormwood 9/10

I decided to check out this short series on Netflix called Wormwood and I can't even tell you why exactly but I am so glad that I did. This is a mixture of documentary, movie, and holy shit the government is terrifying. This is the story of a guy named Eric Olson who is trying to find out if his father Frank Olson who was a CIA employee who was part of an experiment called MK Ultra which consisted of drugging agents with LSD killed himself by jumping from a window or if he was killed. Peter Sarsgaard plays Frank in flashback scenes. This features interviews with people involved, investigators, and lawyers as they try to figure out what the fuck really happened.

This was done wonderfully and I have been saying a lot the last year how great documentaries have been made. They combine current footage with past interviews, past footage, film, and video editing to create this six episode series that is compelling as all hell. Every episode covers a different aspect of the cover ups that were happening and the ones that may still be happening with this case. 

When I thought I had something figured out I was wrong and just watching Eric go through all this for decades is intense. It was good to hear what people had to say about the way he has been following this all these years and what it has done to him. I liked that they added that and didn't paint this as one man against the government. Check this out.

Click here for previous The Review

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