Saturday, December 16, 2017

Theater Whore: Geostorm

Geostorm 2/10

I watched the movie Geostorm after laughing at the trailer a while ago. It is about someone using satellites that are in space to control our weather because we fucked the planet up and turning them into a weapon. Gerard Butler who designed the system called Dutch Boy for reasons, is told by his brother to go up there and fix that shit. His daughter who is a smart ass is upset and he promises not to die. This movie is pretty much watching a story try to happen while watching deserts turn to ice and beaches get jacked up. Seriously, there is a scene in Brazil where this hot woman runs from the now frozen beach, exploding buildings, and a plane that falls out of the sky. She lives because she is hot.

By the time this movie ends and this massive cover up is revealed (which is enough to have been its own movie) it has become something a Bond villain would come up with. The effects in this were fine for what they are. Just a bunch of shit exploding followed by people acting dramatic but not quite dramatic enough for the situation. I mean, the fucking world was being cooked and frozen by lasers but people still had time to make bad jokes. Not like “Shit is bad and I need to joke to ease the pain” kinda jokes. Just bad writing jokes. Don't see this movie. It ain't even fun bad.

Click here for previous Theater Whore

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