Saturday, March 31, 2018

The Review: Brockmire

Brockmire 9/10

A few weeks back I started watching this show Brockmire on Hulu that originally aired on IFC with Sarah. I had never heard of it but knew who the stars Hank Azaria and Amanda Peet were and knew the face of Tyrel Jackson Williams. Just so folks know, I am not close to being a fan of baseball. It is fun to play but I do not understand watching it. So the idea of a show that is about an announcer, on paper, should be a show I avoid like the plague. But this turned out to be one of the funniest shows I've ever seen and am excited about the new season starting in a few weeks.

Jim Brockmire (Azaria) is an alcoholic, drug abusing baseball announcer. He finds out that his wife is cheating on him and loses all his shit live on air and makes it worse later during a news conference. He vanishes for ten years which we get glimpses of. During announcing at cock fights, starring in a soap opera, and doing all the drugs. He gets back and is offered a job in Kansas City with the Morristown Frackers. He is shocked to discover that he is well known for his outbursts on air and wants to be a new man. The team owner, Jules James (Peet) needs more people to come to the games and thinks that Brockmire and his insanity will help with that.

Charles (Williams) is the engineer for the show. He broadcasts clips online and gets more views. He has zero interest in baseball but loves the views that Brockmire's behavior brings. He is the only character it took a while to grow on me. The facial reactions he has feel like it is for a different type of show but I got used to it eventually. Another cool thing about this show is the rest of the cast. The town is a character. There are people that show up every few episodes that just made me crack up laughing.

This is not the kind of show you can watch while doing something else. Almost every line made me laugh out loud and even just the facial reactions of people made me lose it. If you have the chance to check this show out you really should. I have left out so many details. Any show that can make me laugh so hard at someone not able to swallow a pill and watching another snort a crushed Plan B pill needs to win all the awards. The look of the show, the music, and the flow of it works perfectly. This is damn near a perfect show. Thanks to Sarah for turning me onto this.

Click here for previous The Review.

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