Saturday, April 14, 2018

The Review: Lost In Space

Lost In Space 2/10

I tried my damnedest to try and enjoy this show. Lost In Space on Netflix is not something I have an attachment to. I have seen parts of the old series and that movie remake and know the basics. A family lands on some weird planet, there's a robot, danger ensues. That is pretty much what I have gathered from watching the first four episodes with some changes of course like Dr. Smith now being a woman, the robot being deadly as fuck, and a Black daughter that I won't stick around to find out the mystery behind.

The show starts off with the family chilling on the ship and it crashes. No explanation why until a series of misplaced flashbacks. I would have preferred this to be a linear tale because not every show works with flashbacks and this is a good example of it jilting the story. I'm not gonna bother naming people and who plays who since they won't bother writing interesting characters I won't waste time either. There is older sister that is Black and tough. There is redhead sister that seems to be sort of a fuck up and a liability. There is little boy who is a walking liability. All of these kids are what I hate about kids on shows and movies.

The parents are in the process of splitting because the father is always gone. Neither one of them are likable. I see why both of them do not get along and should not be around each other so having them slapped together and continuing the same shit in space isn't interesting at all to me. In more flashbacks we see Dr. Smith who is not actually Dr. Smith but a drug addled fuck up that steals her sisters identity and dooms her to death on Earth and when the ship is being attacked steals the real Dr.'s identity. She escapes with two people and one survives and he has a chicken. Other than that I am not interested in anything he has to say.

This show is prefaced on miscommunication and things not working. Their communicators constantly stop working. People see crazy shit and instead of saying something they take longer to respond on their communicator and something stupid happens. Most of the first episode is bickering and trying to save one of the kids stuck in ice. She gets PTSD from this but recovers the next day so that's cool. I am not sure what Dr. Smith has for motivation but it would make more sense if she was just batshit crazy and wanted to kill everyone instead of seeming like she wants to just escape. To where?!

The tone of this show is all over the damned place. They try to do some funny stuff but I couldn't even begin to laugh at it. The parents end up having a drink and reminiscing while their kids are left with some strangers...on this alien planet...where they have survived life or death situations within the last two days about five times. There should not be a moment where these people feel comfortable enough to split up but they do it every chance that they get!

I almost forgot to mention the robot. The robot slaughters so many people! But it is fine because now he is good I guess because the boy helped the stupid ass thing connect its body to its legs. It looks like something built to kill because it is. No one trusts it but the mom because she is barely paying attention anyway and the boy. When one of the sisters find out that what it did to someone else (because there are so many survivors!) he makes her keep quiet about it. Oh, and the robot builds a gun for the boy and instead of getting rid of it he hides it under a mattress for Dr. Smith to find and take.

Everyone is dumb and they were gonna bring this dumb with them to a new planet. Awesome. I am finished with this show as of episode four. I'll just read online what happens and let you know if stopping was a good idea. Give me a moment. I'm back. I just saved myself six hours. By the way, this did not need ten episodes! The first three could have been the first but they really needed to have that girl stuck in ice! One good thing I will say about this show is that it looks nice.

Click here for previous The Review.

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