Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Peppermint Movie Poster Is Terrible

A couple of weeks ago I saw a poster for this new Jennifer Garner movie Peppermint at the bus stop. I just stared at it because something was bothering me and I couldn't quite put my finger on it until I looked at her fingers. Then her arm. I noticed that one of her arms was damn near a foot shorter than the other. Then I noticed the placement of her head. The broadness of her chest. The whole damn thing started to fall apart. This was a shitty movie poster.

I do not know who made this poster or how much they were paid for it but they did a horrible job. I use Pixlr to edit photos of myself almost everyday. I have done them for friends as well. I do not get paid for it nor would I ask for payment but I'll be damned to happily put out garbage like this. I decided to make a few images of my own for this movie. It is weird because I have seen bad posters before with terrible Photoshop happening but since I have to stare at this one at least for another week I felt the need to do something about this.

It took me about 25 minutes to whip together three images. The first I wanted to use a basic style poster with a city background. The description of the movie does not say where it takes place so I just grabbed a random one online and cropped around her. Used a small light flare to cover the hair frizz and done.

The next I wanted to go for one of those ambiguous ass ads that they make these days. By the way, I hate the tagline for this movie. It sucks but I wanted to stick with it since I was not using the silly ass Peppermint logo. Out of the three this is my favorite one. I used an image of Garner on set just holding a gun, cleaned up the background, added a plain white one, changed the hue and tint and done.

The last I wanted it to be one of those posters where you don't now what the fuck is happening. This movie could be about anything. “What the fuck does Peppermint mean?” Doesn't matter. I took an image from the trailer, erased the sky and turned it black, and used focal blur to hide some shit. 

None of these were hard to do and took less than half an hour and I did it for free just to make fun of the shitty ass poster that is pasted all over the city that looks like someone was given ten seconds to create. If you made the original poster I would love to hear from you and find out not how much you were paid, how long you've been making posters, or anything like that. I just want to know how long your poster took and if you are proud of how it came out.

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