Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Review: Life After Beth

Life After Beth 5/10

I've had this movie Life After Beth on my Netflix cue for a while and decided to finally watch it today. I think Dane DeHaan gives good face and I have a 110% crush on Aubrey Plaza so I figured I'd have a good time. It starts off with Beth played by Plaza hiking and texting and then Zach played by DeHaan being napkins to take to a wake. Turns out Beth is dead. Zach misses her like crazy and his family is rather not supportive of him. Zach becomes closer with Beth's family and then one night the help runs out the house screaming and Zach thinks he sees Beth walking through the house. He stalks the family until he gets inside and finds out she is alive and they are not sure why. Zach is happy but they have to keep it secret and her family does not want her out during the day.

Zach and Beth hang out and kiss and he notices that Beth is becoming increasingly aggressive and sexual. One outweighs the other so Zach is down for a while until she becomes super violent and starts to rot a bit. She sees him and thinks he is with another girl played by Anna Kendrick who is only in this movie to be Anna Kendrick. Seriously. You ever see her in a movie? Remember how she acted? She's that in this. Beth still does not know she is dead and thinks her family and Zach are just being weird and mean to her for no reason until one day Zach takes her to her grave and she flips her shit. She starts to become full on zombie and other zombies start showing up around town and next thing you know it is another movie where teams are hunting zombies.

This movie is a fun idea but executed badly. I had a feeling it was written and directed by the same person. The series Santa Clarita Diet is pretty much a copy of this but with better ideas. Even though this was a short movie it felt long and the tone felt uneven. There was not enough humor for me to say this is a comedy and not enough scares to be horror. It walks this weird line between the two and if it choose a side would have been more enjoyable to watch.

Click here for previous The Review.

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