Monday, November 26, 2018

The Review: The Equalizer 2

The Equalizer 2 DNF/10

Normally when I start a movie and then stop it I do not write reviews. DNF means Did Not Finish. I tried and failed to watch movies like Shimmer Lake, Suburbicon, as well as Cargo and after maybe 10-20 minutes I tapped out. But since I watched one hour of Equalizer 2 starring Denzel Washington I felt that I was punished enough and could write at least why I did not finish it. After one hour that felt like two already and knowing I had one more to go I had to give up on this. The story was not interesting at all and when there were threats of a good time being had by me it would slam on its brakes for some boring story development that I just did not give a damn about. I did not care about anyone in this movie! I don't care about the guy painting the building. The old man. I didn't even care about the old teammate that was attacked in her place! Who are you people?!

Washington returns as former Marine and spy Robert McCall. Instead of a hardware store he is now a Lyft driver. He listens to people talk all day about their issues an even gets himself involved sometimes. Then his friend gets attacked. I really didn't care about this movie. I expected nothing from the first one and loved it but didn't think “Damn, I hope there's a sequel!” I could have just not watched this and been okay about it. I was talking to Cam about this and she recalled how so many people were excited to see this because the first one was so good but heard nothing about this. I see why now. This felt like a lazy ass cash grab.

Click here for previous The Review.

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