Friday, December 21, 2018

The Review: 2036 Origin Unknown

2036 Origin Unknown 3/10

Despite the low rating I am giving 2036 Origin Unknown this is not a terrible film. It is mostly just dull. An AI named ARTI voiced by Steven Cree is running things after a disastrous Mars landing years prior. Humans can't handle things properly so we have to leave it up to robots. Mackenzie Wilson played by Katee Sackhoff is on board this satellite station while talking to her sister who I suspected of being an AI herself. She wasn't. This is another person on board with Mackenzie named Sterling played by Ray Fearson and whenever he was on screen my brain shouted “Acting! I am acting! Look at me act!” It felt weird. A monolith is discovered on Mars that can teleport to Earth instantly and some light intrigue begins to happen. I would have liked to know more about these characters and the in between of that failed mission and this point but they somehow rush through this slow feeling movie and the actual answers are not that interesting. I was like “Okay. I guess.”

The way this looked was nice. Not amazing but nice. I liked the music. There was some odd choices for CGI at times and I was confused by the ARTI program since it seemed to have the ability to jump back and forth between being sentient and not when it fit the story. I also laughed at the fact that even that far ahead in the future people are still using their cell phones as a flashlight and that phones look the way they do now. Hell, phones don't even look the way they did just ten years ago let alone almost twenty years into the future. This is on Netflix so you can check it out if you want. Just have your caption on though because, holy shit, the sound is all over the place. Is this a new thing with movies and TV? Have the talking parts mumbly and the sound effects and music incredibly loud? And before you ask, yes, I have my sound setting adjusted properly.

Click here for previous The Review.

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