Friday, December 14, 2018

The Review: The Man With The Iron Fists 2

The Man With The Iron Fists Two 1/10

This movie was the hottest of garbage. I saw the first one and that was bad and saw on Starz that there was a sequel and decided that I didn't feel bad enough about myself and watched it. I mean...holy shit. This is really bad. It's worse than the first one because you can tell that they tried with this. What did they try? I'm not sure. RZA is barely in this and sadly even if he never appeared it would not have made a difference in the story. A village is controlled by a bad guy that needs to be beaten and RZA don't wanna fight until he does and people die and there is some golden nectar that is magical. This movie was all manner of shit and the only thing I liked was the music sometimes. I checked out the director and he is the master of making sequels no one asked for. The acting is bad, the fights stank, and the story was weak as green tea. And the fists looked like toys. They even had the nerve to threaten us with another film. I'm good.

Click here for previous The Review.

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