Sunday, January 13, 2019

Sitting In The Aisle: Bohemian Rhapsody

Bohemian Rhapsody 9/10

Theater Whore is now called Sitting In The Aisle. If you want a gritty, drug fueled, angst ridden, rated-R depiction of the life of Freddie Mercury then I suggest you watch one of many documentaries of the band online or read a book. Otherwise you can be like me and my friend and watch a really fun movie about the life of one of the greatest performers of my life called Bohemian Rhapsody. I did not expect to like this movie as much as I did. Seriously. I did not think that the star Rami Malek looked like Mercury and Cam reminded me of other films I liked based on real people where they looked absolutely nothing like them. And honestly over time I got used to Malek and just saw him as Mercury. I also knew that they would not be able to cover the amount of information in the lives of Mercury or any of the characters. That is what twelve part documentaries are for. Not a film.

This movie stars Rami Malek, Lucy Boynton, Gwilym Lee, Ben Hardy, Joe Mazzello, Aidan Gillen, Tom Hollander, and friggin' Mike Myers. For a movie that was a little over two hours long it sure as hell did not feel like it. It wasn't like Solo where things were happening loud and fast and when it was over I sat there wondering what the hell just happened. I felt like I got enough information that if I wanted to know more or what was changed that I would be interested enough from what I saw to learn more. This movie would be great for old fans of Queen that loved their music and wanted to know more about Mercury and his family. The family. Did not think they would even touch on his nationality or family history. Or his teeth. They mentioned his teeth! They also touch on his sexuality, drug use, drinking, marriage (I did not know he got married!), and his band having to deal with his issues.

I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. There were so many ways this movie could have gone with tone and what they focused on. Though he lived for 45 years you could have taken a ten year chunk and made a movie then another one with a separate ten year chunk. I talked to Cam and said if anything I hope that there is good music. I was not intending to see this movie anytime soon. I was not like “Ooh, I wanna see this!” But I saw it and really liked what was given to me. This is a movie that you can sit and pick apart saying this did not happen at this point and that didn't even happen at all. I get it. There are likely hundreds of videos and articles pointing out everything not right about this movie. It is 2019. I am trying to enjoy shit more and I appreciate the amount of good that went into this. There were about three scenes where I was almost attacked by onion ninjas. Seriously. You put some family shit in movies and I will get close to feeling emotions.

Click here for previous Sitting In The Aisle.

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