Tuesday, January 22, 2019

The Review: IO

IO 1/10

I decided to check this movie on Netflix called IO out. Not sure why really. Just something to do. It is pretty lame. This woman named Sam Walden played by Margaret Qualley lives by herself doing science shit. The planet is gone. Like, all the people have left except for a few and there is one ship left to leave for IO and live. She has a boyfriend or something she writes to who is already in space living that life. She is carrying on her father's research and then one day a guy named Micah played by Anthony Mackie shows up in a hot air balloon looking for her father. Her boyfriend breaks up with her, it turns out her father died years ago, and the last ship is leaving soon. They end up in a forced relationship that felt creepy because she looks like a kid and he looks like a grown ass man. This movie was not long but felt long. And boring. Not sure what vibe they were going for. Even Mackie's acting seemed off. When he got upset it felt like he was acting. The setting looked nice though. I will say that.

Click here for previous The Review.

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