Saturday, September 7, 2019

The Review: Reign Of Supermen

Reign Of Supermen 2/10

I was so bummed out watching Reign Of Supermen. DC has made some really good animated movies but this one fell flat in so many ways. Maybe it was rushed. Maybe they got cocky. Either way they ended up making a lazy animated, sloppy story that did nothing to make new characters interesting or ones I'd ever want to see a full movie about. The Justice League end up having to be dumbed down just so these other characters got a chance to appear. Even if one of these movies have a silly story the art saves it but in this there are points where they could not be bothered to animate people running from danger or streets were straight up empty. The previous Death Of Superman movie set this up to be good but this follow up straight up stank. The art was levels below the look of the previous movie and it didn't even feel like the two were connected. Why rush to even make this movie? Make a few good ones showing everyone surviving without Superman and then bring him back. Nah. Most of the voice work was good. Hmm. Some. Not most.

Click here for previous The Review.

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