Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Review: Watchmen Episode 2

Episode 2: Martial Feats of Comanche Horsemanship

Holy shit this show is good! I keep putting off watching episodes of Watchmen because I know there are only nine episodes and this will be over before I know it. Hell, the newest episode comes on tonight and I'll probably wait a week before watching it. This one starts off in Germany during the war with a letter being written to be dropped out of the sky aimed at Black soldiers pointing out how America treats them like shit and how they can prosper in Germany. The soldier keeps it and it turns out it is the father of the boy that grew into the old man who somehow managed to hang a grown ass man from a tree. The note in his pocket was written on that piece of paper. Angela brings him to her bakery where he is being vague as hell about everything she asks. Angela heads to her dead captains house and finds out that he as a Klan suit hidden. Well...shit.

Angela takes a sample from the old man and has it scanned at this place where you can get reparations from those that were attacked and killed during the Black Wallstreet Massacre. It turns out that this old dude is her grandfather. Meanwhile there is a flashback that shows how she and thirty nine other cops were attacked at the same time which lead to her new identity. This scene got me because my ass was so into her relationship with her husband and them playing around. New thing you know shotgun blasts are happening! Back at the freak manor Lord is chilling watching his servants perform the play he has written about Dr. Manhattan. The guy gets his ass burned alive and it turns out that all the help are just clones of one another. There were a lot of mentions of Manhattan in this episode which makes me so worried for when he shows up. I'm assuming he will at some point.

There are a lot of other things that happened in this episode. I am having trouble straight up covering this show without it being a long as hell super detailed thing which I'm not trying to do. I wish more people were talking about this show because I don't personally know anyone that is watching this and it is a show I think everyone should watch whether or not you have seen the movie or read the comic book. They drop enough little things from the comic to make the people that have read it happy while also being this world and characters that could easily stand alone with it actually being called Watchmen.

Click here for previous The Review.

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