Monday, December 16, 2019

The Review: Watchmen Episode 9

Watchman Episode 9 Finale: See How They Fly 10/10

The Watchmen series was perfect. But first let me recap this which managed to answer all the questions and show so damn much within an hour. This was an insane ass hour of television. This episode takes place over multiple points in time like previous ones so again I can not describe the in a linear way. It starts off showing Lady Trieu's mother in Veidt's office breaking into his computer and stealing some of his man gravy that he has been saving and replacing it with lotion. She injects it into herself answering the question as to who her father is. Veidt meanwhile is making the recording to the future president explaining his plan to release that giant squid over New York. 

Trieu later visits Veidt before he left Earth and reveals that he is her father, she is the smartest woman in the world, and she needs fifty two billion bucks to actually do what Veidt could not: create world peace by having the powers of Doctor Manhattan. He tells her that he built himself from nothing after refusing his parents fortune, she needs to do the same, and he will never call her daughter.

Later on Europa using that horseshoe that he got in a cake Veidt digs himself out of his prison as a ship arrives. Remember when he laid all those bodies out on that moons surface? Trieu mentioned a satellite that she sent to observe Doctor Manhattan who was no longer there but Veidt was and he used all those dead clone bodies to spell out HELP ME DAUGHTER. Trieu saw it and sent the shuttle. Just as Veidt is making his way towards it the Gamewarden shows up and tells him that he can not leave. Veidt says he can and gets shot. Son of a bitch caught the bullet! He stabs Gamewarden with the horseshoe and lets him know that he was not a worthy adversary. The shit was cold blooded. He gets on the ship as his other servants line up to bid him good flight. As he settles into the ship he is sprayed with a gold liquid. That damned statue was him all along! Trieu wakes him just an hour before the Millennium Clock is gonna come online.

Meanwhile with the Kavalry! Joe Keene has Laurie all tied up and is surrounded by a bunch of rich White racist folk and goes about his speech and how his race needs to become more powerful and all manner of nonsense. Laurie does not want to hear this shit and makes fun of his draws. Someone lets Keene know that Angela has caused some shit at the attack on her and Cal/Doctor Manhattan. He explains that he created the whole White Night event, discovered that Doctor Manhattan was there because one of the members got teleported, and wants his powers. Looking Glass reveals his is under the mask of one of the Kavalry to Laurie.

Keene starts the shit up and there is Doctor Manhattan! Angela shows up and tells Keene that his plan is shit and that he has only gotten this far because Trieu has allowed it to happen. Keene is like “Nah...” and fires the shit up. Suddenly, boom!, the entire room is teleported outside to the middle of town near the theater where Will Reeves family was attacked when he was little. Trieu says she needed them to do the capturing of Doctor Manhattan for her so she wouldn't be detected. She opens to chamber that Keene tossed himself into a puddle of human juice pours out. Judd's wife starts talking that shit and Trieu has all of them, the older Cyclops members, turned to dust. Trieu gets the party started and Doctor Manhattan and Angela talk. He lets her know that he does not want to be alone when he dies. It was the saddest shit ever!

Meanwhile Veidt, Laurie, and Looking Glass were teleported to Veidt base on Earth. He uses the squid raining device and says he can weaponize it by freezing them first turning them into little missiles. Laurie calls one of those Doctor Manhattan phones and Trieu's daughter/mother answers the phone and tells Angela its for her. Laurie tells Angela to get inside just as the police show up as well. It starts raining squid bullets. One goes straight through Trieu's hand! Her last words are “Motherfucker” and she is crushed by her machine. Angela heads to the movie theater where her Reeves and her children are. He says they are tired from being teleported but okay. He also points out that Doctor Manhattan made this deal with Trieu knowing it was the only way to ensure things ended the way they did.

Veidt tells Looking Glass and Laurie that they can take Nite Owl's and leave and Laurie is like “Your ass killed three million people. You are super under arrest!” He goes off saying he saved the world twice and is not going to trial. Anyway, they can't prove anything. Looking Glass has a recording of Veidt explaining his whole plan to president Redford. Then he bonks Veidt on the head saying he talks too much. Angela offers Will an extra room for a few nights. Later that night Angela starts cleaning up the house and sees the eggs on the floor she threw from when Doctor Manhattan wanted to make pancakes. She takes the egg and heads outside to the pool. All the shit that was said to her is making sense! She eats the one egg that was left and begins to place her foot into the pool outside and then...credits.

Holy shit this was a good episode! What a great season of television! I was not excited about this show being made after watching the trailer but the first episode yanked my ass right into it and never let go. The acting, the story, the music, the characters were all so damned good! I have zero complaints and nothing but praise for this series and how it was done. Any mystery they had got answered. Even if they don't make another season I'm good with how this ended. It was an entire story and a great companion to the Watchmen graphic novel/comic book. One thing I did notice for this show more than most is the massive amount of people wanting to be “First!” or “I figured it out before everyone else!” Good for you...I guess. I don't even watch the next time on clips. I'm fine with letting shows happen and being happy to see what I get. This series deserves to be nominated for everything!

Regina King as Angela Abar/Sister Night
Don Johnson as Judd Crawford
Tim Blake Nelson as Wade Tillman/Looking Glass
Yahya Abdul-Mateen II as Calvin Abar
Andrew Howard as Red Scare
Jacob Ming-Trent as Panda
Tom Mison as Mr. Phillips
Sara Vickers as Ms. Crookshanks
Dylan Schombing as Christopher Abar
Louis Gossett Jr. as Will Reeves
Jeremy Irons as Adrian Veidt
Jean Smart as Laurie Blake
Hong Chau as Lady Trieu
James Wolk as Joe Keene Jr.
Frances Fisher as Jane Crawford
Jessica Camacho as Pirate Jenny
Dustin Ingram as Dale Petey
Adelynn Spoon as Emma Abar
Lily Rose Smith as Rosie Abar
Steven Norfleet as O.B. Williams
Alexis Louder as Ruth Williams

Click here for previous The Review.

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