Thursday, January 30, 2020

The Review: JD's Revenge

JD's Revenge 8/10

I do know that my baby say's I beat her up and I don't even remember.”

Don't worry about it she gon' be back!”

This is the type of movie I was watching. I expected far more cheese from this movie J.D's Revenge and once again I ended up watching an actual movie. I would consider this a crazy ass mixture of a Doctor Jekyll/ghost movie. It starts with a flashback to the 1940's and this gangster named J.D Walker who watches his woman get murdered and then he gets shot to death. We then go to the 1970's and this college student that drives cabs on the side named Isaac who also drives cabs on the side in New Orleans goes on a date with his wife and gets pulled up on stage to go under hypnosis. While under he somehow has the spirit of J.D enter his body. They go dancing at the club and he starts sweating his ass off and this begins many moments of me wanting his wife to either force him to go to the doctor or phone a friend. He goes home and rests and by rests I mean he has nightmares of J.D's murder.

Isaac talks to his friend about feeling bad and his friend says it is stress from all the work and studying he's doing. Isaac starts seeing J.D in the mirror and his dreams get worse. His lady is like “Give me some of that dick!” and he says he doesn't feel well. She tries this a few times. One day J.D takes over and he sexually assaults her. They make it look sort of gray but, no. Meanwhile one of the guys that was there when he was killed is now a preacher. Also the man that actually did the killing is there and there is a daughter that looks like J.D's woman that was killed because she was her mother. J.D starts giving the daughter the eyes and J.D is starting to take over even harder. He even ends up taking an old lady for a crazy ass ride and dumps her on the side of the road.

Isaac buys a hat like the one J.D used to wear. One day she comes home and this fool has permed his hair! It looks terrible. His wife mocks it as she should and he tries to assault her again and she busts a bottle over his head. She meets with her ex husband who is a cop and he wants to beat Isaac's ass. She defends Isaac which makes zero sense. Isaac finds her on the bus and tries to apologize and she is not having any of it. She later comes to his place while he is showering and everything seems fine until J.D takes over again! Oh, there is one part where J.D shows up at a club and meets this woman and she takes him to her home. They have what she says is the best sex ever and then her man shows up. J.D don't care. Her man knows something is up and comes at J.D/Isaac who slices the shit out of him with his straight razor. He leaves taking their car and the cops are on his ass now. J.D goes to confront his old enemies and say to meet him at the slaughterhouse. They oblige. One dude wants the spirit out of Isaac and the other guy is like “Sure...I'll just bring this gun. To talk.”

At the slaughterhouse everyone airs their shit out. The guy with the gun killed J.D and his wife who was the sister of the now pastor. The pastors daughter shows up and the three of them struggle for it while J.D laughs his ass off Joker style. The bad guy is killed, the cops show up, J.D/Isaac is arrested, and then set free. Happen ending, right? I am not making this sound as nuts as it was. Yes, there is some lady nudity. There is a sexual assault. Or two. There is lots of ketchup blood. There is a cow being sliced open at the neck which looks pretty damn real. Crazy ass movie and I am surprised that I had never heard of this until stumbling upon it on Amazon.

Glynn Turman as Isaac aka Ike
Louis Gossett Jr. as Reverend Elijah Bliss
Joan Pringle as Christella
Carl W. Crudup as Tony
James Watkins as Carl
Fred Pinkard as Theotis Bliss
Jo Anne Meredith as Sara Divine
Alice Jubert as Roberta 'Betty Jo' Bliss
David McKnight as J.D. Walker

Click here for previous The Review.

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