Tuesday, February 4, 2020

The Review: Lady Cocoa

Lady Cocoa 6/10

This movie was so fucking weird. I watched Lady Cocoa as I continue to watch strange ass movies from the 70's with the encouragement of Miss Jackie. I don't know why she is doing it. Maybe she crazy. I'm doing it because I do weird shit. This movie is about one of the most annoying people you have ever seen committed to film having to be protected and not killed like every instinct in your body would have you do. Cocoa is in prison for not helping turn on her mobster boyfriend. She is in jail but has a nice set up going with flowers and everything. Shit's nice. So she gets released and is supposed to be under the protection of police. They take her to a hotel in Reno where all she has to do is wait to testify against her man. She decides to be a total shit bird every chance she gets. She wants more clothes. She wants more food. She wants the cop guarding her to lotion her back and bone her. She wants-wait. What?

There are two cops. Old White cop with a limp and a Black cop that looks way too much like her boyfriend. So much so that I looked away for a minute and got confused like “Why is he talking like that now?!” Somehow Black cop refrains from choke-slamming Cocoa and she forces him to take her to dinner where they meet this newly married couple. The dude loves calling Black cop “brother” and I cringed each time just like I do in real life. I hate being called brother meaning bruh-thuh. I don't even let my blood brothers call me brother. Let me fast forward. That couple turn out to be evil and when Black cop kills the lady I laughed my ass off at these magical bathroom doors. They shot at each other like five times from three feet away until he finally gets her in the stomach and sees her stomach is carved. Probably means something. I wasn't paying attention I guess.

They end up on the run and splash in some water and it turns out that that the White cop is on the take. Son of a bitch! For someone on the take why would he even bother having Black cop watch over her? There were some other hitmen that were watching and even tried to shoot Cocoa but killed a maid instead. Why not just take her to the hotel and shoot her loud ass face off? Another thing I noticed was there was another weird ass homosexual stereotype. Let me look at my list of 70's films. Out of the 11 movies I have seen 6 of them had this weird guy that acted like Snagglepuss. This movie wasn't horrible. There are scenes you legit can't see because it was so dark and there was no lighting. I think they could do a remake of this and it could be good. Check it out on Amazon.

Lola Falana
Millie Perkins
Alex Dreier
Gene Washington
Joe Greene

Click here for previous The Review.

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