Monday, March 9, 2020

The Review: Bringing Out The Dead

Bringing Out The Dead 9/10

I loved this crazy ass movie! I watched Bringing Out The Dead on Kanopy (which you can also do if you have a library card). I was sitting here trying to figure out what to watch since I have given up on Hunters and that movie Aeronauts was so boring that I didn't even bother writing a review for it. I had never seen this before and was shocked at the amount of stars in it. This is about a paramedic in New York during the early 90's. I think there is maybe one scene during the day and that's at the end of the movie. Frank Pierce is just over his job. He just drinks coffee and alcohol and sees ghosts especially the one of a girl he could not save. He gets a call to save a man that went into cardiac arrest and is able to get a pulse. His daughter Mary follows them to the hospital with them. There is also this guy named Noel who is acting crazy as hell who keeps begging for water. Another patient sick of his yelling gets off his own gurney and sets him free. Turns out Mary knows him. Everyone is sick of him and he repeatedly ends up back in the hospital.

Frank handles a call that was drug related and it turns out that a lot of people are using this new form of heroin called Red Death. Sounds fun. Frank ends up having to take Noel to the hospital again who of course escapes as soon as the ambulance stops. Oh, and Noel was being taken back under the premise of being killed because he wants to die. Frank gets another partner named Marcus since he is not taking any days off who is funny as hell. They end up going to a club where someone OD'd. This is one of the funniest scenes in this crazy ass movie. They get another call from a couple who say they are both virgins as she gives birth to twins. After leaving the hospital they go nuts drinking and driving and flip the ambulance. They climb out and Frank says he is quitting while Marcus laughs and says the job is not done with him.

The next day Frank heads to Mary's place (her father is still alive) and she says she is visiting a friend. She is obviously going to go get stoned. He follows her to this guy named Cy's place who offers Frank some of that Dr. Feelgood. He takes it and starts seeing patients whose lives he saved and of course Rose the one he couldn't. He wakes up screaming and throws Mary over his shoulder and leaves. He sleeps on her couch and the next day visits her dad who is telling Frank (in his head) to kill him. Every time he dies they just zap him back to life. The next day he is partnered with a guy named Tom who is violent as shit and used to run with Frank.

Frank is losing his shit even more at this point. They end up back at Cy's place since there has been a shooting and Cy is laying half off the building impaled on a fence. He lets Frank know he saved his life. Tom spots Noel smashing windows and plan to trick him because Tom wants to beat his ass. Tom ends up attacking Noel with a baseball bat and Frank forces him to call for backup and they take him to the hospital. Next he heads to see Mary's father and ends up finessing the monitors and helps him die. He heads to her place and lays down with her. This movie was way better than I expected. If you have not seen this even with all the things I have spoiled it is still worth checking out.

Nicolas Cage as Frank Pierce
Patricia Arquette as Mary Burke
John Goodman as Larry
Ving Rhames as Marcus
Tom Sizemore as Tom Wolls
Marc Anthony as Noel
Cliff Curtis as Cy Coates
Aida Turturro as Nurse Crupp
Michael K. Williams as Drug Dealer
Martin Scorsese as Voice of Male Dispatcher
Queen Latifah as Voice of Female Dispatcher

Click here for previous The Review.

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