Sunday, April 19, 2020

The Review: Raising Dion Season 1

Raising Dion DNF/10

Full disclosure, I stopped watching towards the end of episode two when I said out loud “Oh, stop being so stupid!” Raising Dion is about a single mother named Nicole Reese whose son Dion starts developing powers. Like, all the powers. I first heard about this years ago when I randomly saw a trailer years ago and it just went away. I didn't even know a comic book was involved. Last year I heard that a series was being made and suddenly it was on Netflix right around the time I got rid of it. I have it again and decided to check this series out and was almost immediately annoyed. In case you don't know I can not stand most kid actors. To me there are two types. Amazing and terrible. There is no in between. When there is a child on screen that I don't mind it makes me so happy which is why a movie like Shazam was so shocking. None of the kids in it bugged me. But this one kid alone was too much for me to deal with.

I wanted to read how this ends but even the Wiki page just list the episode titles. In the first two episodes he has developed the ability to levitate objects, move objects at a long distance, seemingly change the weather, skateboard well, fly, bring ghosts back, and teleport. It is too much and as someone who writes superhero characters that could easily border on too much (like Johnny Panic) I know the limit. His mother loves her son but seems like she doesn't know how to talk to him even though it appears her husband has been dead a few years. There is some mystery surrounding the father that I honestly don't care about.

The father is said to have drowned saving a lady's life but the mom discovers in one of his jackets a handwritten piece of paper with her name and number on it. Right. The dad had a bestfriend named Pat and he seems like a good dude that only cares about Dion so I am pretty sure he is gonna end up being a bad guy because plot. You can't have dudes running around being nice for the sake of being nice. And in case you're wondering I just checked and it turns out that he does end up being evil. Stop making me right!

So yeah. Not gonna finish watching this. The acting was all over the place meaning the mom was acting like she was on one show while her sister was on another and the son was not acting at all. He was just reacting to what he was being told was happening. “There is a bowl of cereal floating in front of you! Action!” I wanted this to be a cool show and not just because Black people are involved. Read reviews for shows with Black folk and chances are you will hear a lot of apologizing for bad production, acting, writing, and directing. No. Be better! This silly shit does not get a pass. Oh, and the scene that made me tap out was when they were leaving the cabin and Dion left a note for his dead ghost dad with their name and address on it and the mother saw this and left it. What kinda stupid shit is that?!

Alisha Wainwright as Nicole Reese
Ja'Siah Young as Dion Warren
Jazmyn Simon as Kat Neese
Sammi Haney as Esperanza Jimenez
Jason Ritter as Pat Rollins
Michael B. Jordan as Mark Warren

Click here for previous The Review.

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