Tuesday, April 28, 2020

The Review: What We Do In The Shadows Episodes 2-4

Episode 2

This show is funny as hell. In this episode the vampires are pissed that they are even supposed to take over Staten Island meaning they should have taken over North America by now. Colin, the energy vampire, says he knows how they can attain power and takes them to a city council meeting and starts sucking energy from the whole room by being dull. The faces he makes after taking energy wreck me. Laszlo dazzles one member and she mentions how she saw three raccoon in her trash. He decides to use a damn flute and leaves a mountain of dead raccoon on her porch. Nandor dazzles another member who praises the vampires and says that they need to give them power before they are destroyed. He gets yanked away while screaming.

Nadja meets one of the virgins that Guillermo knows from a LARP group and seduces her. The girl thinks it is a sex thing and she has a boyfriend and they do things on camera but she is still a virgin. Nadja feels bad for her and bites her neck and has her drink blood. This is not gonna end well I just know it.

Episode 3

Laszlo shows off his stone and bush garden which is made of things that make no sense or look like genitals. He smells some werewolf pee and sets a trap to catch one. He does and after the werewolf wakes up he says that he and his crew will be back and then dives out the window hurting himself some more. Nandor shows a scroll from 1993 that says that werewolves and vampires must not battle one another. The werewolf and his crew return and they start pissing all over everything. They decide to have a duel. They meet up and this eight foot wolf is to fight Nandor. Nandor chooses his weapon which is a squeak toy and tosses it off the roof and the wolf dives for it. I cracked up way too hard at that.

Meanwhile a new woman starts at work with Colin. He tries his energy draining on her and it backfires and he gets weaker. He realizes that she is an emotional vampire. That shit was way too funny to me! I seriously love the use of different forms of vampires. The lady, Evie (emotional vampire), and Colin decide to start working together and it goes well until he realizes that it is not healthy for them to continue this way. She sucks a little more energy from him even as they are breaking up.

Episode 4

Realizing that they need to move fast and gather more power to take over the country the vampires decide to hook up with this vampire named Simon the Devious who runs a nightclub. Nandor insists that they all wear capes which they get made fun of for doing. Laszlo brings a hat made of witch skin that is obviously cursed. It crushes his new familiar. It gets his cape snagged in a cab and drags him. He falls through the floor. Simon agrees to help but only if Laszlo gives him the hat. As soon as he gets it he kicks them out saying he only brought them to get the hat. As soon as they are kicked out the curse kicks in and the club explodes.

While the vampires were around Guillermo is first almost eaten by a vampire and Nandor doesn't seem to really mind. He heads to a bathroom for familiars and didn't know that they had a union. One familiar is a cat and the one Guillermo is talking to is the familiar to two young kids and he has to pretend to be their father. Nandor realizes that he treated Guillermo terribly and decides to fly him through the city but ends up dripping his ass. He has broken arms and legs and is laid up. Laszlo has the cursed hat back and each time he put it on Guillermo's heart would stop beating. Meanwhile the girl Nadja bit, Jenna, is turning into a vampire or something like a zombie. He roommate calls 911 meaning uses Siri to call 911 and Jenna wakes up on the gurney and runs back inside.

Click here for previous The Review.

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