Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Review: What We Do In The Shadows Season 2 Episodes 1-3

Episode 1

The second season of What We Do In The Shadows wasted no time getting started and making me laugh. Nadja and Lazslo need a new familiar since the ones they have keep dying. They show clips of the various ways they died and the one that cracked me up was one of them bursting into flames because of all the candles and Nadja just calmly putting the fire out...on the curtains. They get a new one that they love named Topher played by Haley Joel Osment. He doesn't do shit. When the vampires enter the room Guillermo is the one doing the actual cleaning and Topher just snatches the feather duster from his hand. They hug him and care for him far more than Nandor cares for Guillermo. Also, Guillermo is leaning into killing vampires after discovering his heritage. They are showing up at the house to kill the group after Guillermo killed Baron.

One night Topher gets his dumb ass electrocuted to death. The vampires mourn him until Nadja says she knows someone who can bring people back to life. They head to this guy named Wallace with Topher's body and cash and a mini fridge. It doesn't seem to work until suddenly Topher starts moving. They bring him home and he is a damned zombie. He starts attacking Guillermo and demanding a high-five. His arm gets knocked off, he gets stabbed through the chest and he still wont stop. Nandor ends up killing him after multiple tries. Guillermo thinks he was saving his life but it was mostly because Topher was annoying him. The vampires take him back to Wallace who it turns out has a room full of zombies making key chains.

Episode 2

The vampires house is being haunted and Nandor thinks they are being ridiculous since ghosts don't exist. Guillermo explains that they are vampires and he has now seen werewolves, babadooks, and a zombie so ghosts aren't too far fetched. Nandor tells him to shut up. Nadja has a séance with everyone and the ghost of Jeff aka Gregor comes back. He says he has unfinished business and can not move on. There was a scene I had to watch again when Laszlo pretends he cant see Jeff and races inside to tell Nandor there's “a fucking ghost” on the porch. Nandor tries to tackle him and ends up going through him and covered in ghost goo. They all start to wonder if they have ghosts since they themselves are dead. Turns out they do!

Nandor's ghosts speaks his native language which present day Nandor has forgotten and can only remember how to say good morning. He discovers that his ghost is looking for the ghost of the horse he ended up eating in the past. Laszlo's ghost was turned into a vampire by Nadja just when he was about to have an orgasm and needs to have one before he moves on. He does and it is gross. Nadja's ghost is upset she has had hundreds of years and has done nothing with it. They get along great and instead of moving on she has her ghost put into a creepy doll that is a horndog. Colin, the energy vampire, doesn't quite know what he is, is trying to “updog” joke throughout the episode testing out the energy draining power of jokes. He brings the ghost of his grandmother back just to get her to respond to the joke before sending her away.

Episode 3

Guillermo has to go find some virgins for the vampires who go to a “Superb Owl” party. Colin knows its the Super Bowl but just doesn't want to correct them. They head to the neighbors place and get upset when he jokingly calls them vampires. They think the jig is up and Nandor and Laszlo plan to first kill him and then double erase his memory. They do it and it works too well and he becomes a drooling idiot. For fun before they do the humane thing and rip his head off they start showing him vampire tricks. Nadja climbs the walls freaking him out. Laszlo turns into a bat. Its ridiculous. Nadja discovers that the old lady living there is the same she knew when the old lady was a little girl and Nadja would pin her to the ceiling. She thinks the old lady stole her mothers necklace and wants it back and starts destroying the house.

Meanwhile Guillermo finds a group of mosquito enthusiasts that turn out to be vampire hunters. One is the roommate of the girl Nadja had turned. Guillermo tries to leave after they bust out a crossbow and hits all three mannequins in the head perfectly reinforcing his amazing vampire hunting skills. Back at the house the old lady asks Nadja how she stayed young and can she live forever. Nadja says that she would just be an old vampire and the lady is like “No thank you.” The vampires end up not killing the neighbor who spots his wife and says how hot she looks. They tell him that he is married to her and he flatters her and gives her the jade necklace Nadja was looking for as a gift. Nadja is about to attack until they hold her back. Each one of these episodes was funny as hell and I can not wait to see how the rest of this season goes.

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