Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Review: What We Do In The Shadows Season 2 Episodes 4-6

Episode 4

How is this show so damned funny? I ended up watching three more episodes with CK and we laughed harder than previous ones. This one called “The Curse” revolves around Nandor asking Guillermo to hand him his laptop so that he can check his email. He keeps old letters from the hundreds of years he has been alive and sees that he has two new messages. One is from Circuit City, since he hasn't checked since 2009, and another is a chain letter. He has to send the message to ten friends or be cursed. Of course Nadja and Laszlo read it and think they too are now cursed and get pissed at Nandor. They ask Colin for help and he starts boring them until they almost faint.

Meanwhile Guillermo meets up with the vampire hunters and finds out that they have discovered a house that sounds eerily like his full of vampires. They gear up and when they arrive he is relieved to find out that it is not his house. But now he is worried they are about to murder a house full of innocent people. Just when you think they are these two creepy ass little girls teleport out of bed and attack. I laughed my ass off during that entire scene. The vampire team is terrible at what they do and one of them gets killed. By the way, Guillermo was kicking all kinds of vampire ass in this episode. I have lost count of how many he has killed in this season alone. Guillermo makes it back home covered in blood and Nandor complains to him as he is about to rest for the evening that they fought a curse and that he is afraid to be killed in his sleep.

Episode 5

This episode, “Colin's Promotion”, sees him get one at his job. He has no idea what his job even does and is upset when he gets promoted because it will mean that he gets to spend less time with his friends, the vampires. Lately the vampires have been shunning Colin because of his energy sucking and he realizes that as a boss at work he can take even more energy from people. Colin begins to get super strength from sapping his employees and it gets to the point where he can just nod or point and employees will pass out. Hell, he even grows hair! His energy sucking is making the vampires at home angrier with one another and eventually they start to lose so much energy they begin to wither away.

At home the vampires are fighting because Nadja suddenly remembers that Nandor is the one that destroyed her village hundreds of years before she was born. She is talking about how beautiful the place was and his name popped into her head and she charges for him trying to kill him and wants to turn his skin into a skirt and show it to his mother. When Nadja sees that Nandor is in the portrait (they are redecorating) she describes him as “ What the hell is Persian Frank Zappa doing on a horse?” CK lost it at that line. Colin comes home to see his roommates and becomes so powerful from their fighting that he clones himself. His clones are independent and end up boring him until he loses energy and they all die. Not really. The main one lives and just wanted to hear his own eulogy. This show is fucking insane.

Episode 6

This episode, “On The Run”, focuses mainly on Laszlo. Guillermo turns finding all the corpses in the yard that have been buried into a game for the vampires. It is becoming a problem. Like sinkholes kinda problem. A vampire shows up wanting revenge against Laszlo for a debt he never paid. A months rent. They settle on a duel and just when they are about to fight Laszlo takes off running.

Laszlo builds himself a new life as Jackie Daytona. He looks the same except he wears jeans and has a toothpick. He kills a bar owner and takes over and runs the place quite well. Back home Nadja misses him and Colin makes a move on her. She turns him down and he gets power from it. He admits he is not into her and did it to drain her. He tries to flirt with the Nadja doll and she rejects him which he admits hurt. That doll. Oh my god that doll is too fucking funny! One day at the bar the vampire, Jim (Mark Hamill), shows up looking for Laszlo. We were not quite sure if Jim really didn't recognize Laszlo or if he was playing. He seriously didn't realize it was him because of the toothpick! Laszlo ends up falling for one of the waitresses. He also enjoys the women volleyball team and throws a fundraiser to save the team and send them to the finals. This is all ruined when Laszlo knocks the towel off a mirror at the bar, Jim realizes he is a vampire, and they fight burning all the money they raised and scaring everyone away. Laszlo heads back home and even Nadja can not tell it is him when he uses a toothpick. I think. I'm still not sure!

Click here for previous The Review.

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