Sunday, May 31, 2020

The Review: What We Do In The Shadows Season 2 Episodes 7-8

Episode 7

This episode called “The Return” continues the two season long streak of this series being amazing. Nadja and Laszlo are coming home from seeing a movie they hated because there was sound and hear someone inviting them down into the sewer. They head down into the shit tunnels and find Simon the Devious. He is the one that took Laszlo's cursed hat and blew up in the club. Nadja feels bad for him since all his friends are gone and she invites him to their house. He is there before they even get home! He says he took the shit tunnels. At the house Nandor is giving a tour and Elvis is living there running a radio station! Laszlo turned him into a vampire and there's that. Laszlo suspects that Simon just wants the cursed hat back. Simon also has some of his friends come and one is a rapping vampire and there other is a monster looking one named Carol. Carol wants to eat Guillermo. Laszlo suspicious of Simon confronts him with something he has covered up and rips the cloth off. It turns out to be a statue of a bat he made for them for being so nice.

At night Guillermo is cleaning up and Carol says she can smell that he is a vampire killer. Guillermo denies it and tries to get away from here. She jumps at him and he impales her with his broom. She turns to dust and as he is cleaning it up Nandor notices the Carol shaped pile of ashes. He admits to Nandor what happens and how they can never mention this happened. Then he almost impales Nandor! The scene where Nandor walks away looking at him made me crack up! They have a meeting and Simon asks where Carol is. Next thing you know it turns out Simon has the cursed hat and he and Laszlo have a bat-fight through the house and street. As for Colin, the energy vampire, he is using trolling online as a way to suck energy from people. It is working until he gets into it with a troll and they decided to fight in person. He quickly sees that they guy is an actual troll. Like, a big ass troll. They argue over the use of the word troll to describe what the troll is doing. Colin bores him until the sun comes up and the troll turns to stone. Just as Colin walks away happy he won the troll snatches him just as it becomes a statue.

Episode 8

In the next episode “Collaboration” we discover that Laszlo and Nadja used to perform music. One night while attacking someone Laszlo asks what song was playing as a car drove by and the guy says “Come On Eileen” which he originally wrote as “Chum On Irene” in the 1850's. Colin says that they should start performing again. Not because he is nice but because he knows that bad musical performances is a great way to suck energy.

This old man shows up and it is discovered that he was Nandor's old familiar that got the same promise that he made to Guillermo. The guy wants to be made into a vampire now. He says that his old wife found him high on drugs and he couldn't remember anything and when he did came back to Nandor to fulfill his promise. Guillermo and the guy, Benji, head to a familiar meeting and see that another vampire named Celeste who has a familiar that looks like a little girl has already made her into a vampire. After an argument Guillermo leaves Nandor because he refuses to turn him into a vampire and heads to Celeste's place. She says she is gonna make everyone a vampire soon and makes them do performance art, move furniture, the shit is weird. Her master shows up and it turns out Celeste is not a vampire at all and was lying. The little girl and her friends show up and start ripping folks to shreds. Guillermo escapes and with Nandor drop Benji off...who flies into the air because Nandor finally transformed him. The bastard!

Click here for previous The Review.

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