Tuesday, June 2, 2020

The Review: The Prophecy

The Prophecy 6/10

I had not seen this movie, The Prophecy, since I was in high school. All I remembered were a couple of actors in it and that Lucifer roared like a sexy lion. This movie was fucking weird. Not in a bad way but it was super weird. This dude named Thomas Dagget is about to be made into a Catholic priest when all of a sudden he starts seeing images of angels fighting and he collapses. Next thing you know he's a cop. Seriously. It is that fast. He heads home and this guy named Simon warns him about bad things coming. Simon, who is an angel, gets attacked by another angel that ain't even got eyes and kills him. The police come and Thomas is one of them. They do an autopsy and it is a hermaphrodite with baby bones and no eyes ever.

Simon finds this dead colonel from the Korean War who was a monster. Simon mouth kisses his dead body and takes his “dark soul” that the angels need to win a war in heaven. It is weird. I told you that already. The angel Gabriel wants this dark soul which at this point Simon has kissed into this small girl who is now sick. The child is Native and her family want to exorcise her. Gabriel kills Simon and starts snooping around after finding out a kid has the dark soul. Lucifer shows up and tries to tempt Thomas and knows everything about him. Lucifer lets the teacher, Katherine, know that no human souls are being allowed into heaven since this war is going on. It is a lot of stuff happening very fast. The young girl has a teacher that gets far more involved than any teacher would.

The ending involves a speeding truck with a zombie woman trying to kill Thomas, the truck flying into the small location the girl is being exorcised in, Gabriel having his heart ripped out by Lucifer, a demon attack and being defeated by a laser from heaven, and a happy ending. Weird. I don't know how I managed to forget all of the nonsense in this movie. It is on Amazon. After I finished they suggested the sequel which I am pretty sure I've never seen so I'll watch that soon.

Christopher Walken as Gabriel
Elias Koteas as Thomas Dagget
Virginia Madsen as Katherine
Eric Stoltz as Simon
Viggo Mortensen as Lucifer
Amanda Plummer as Rachael
Moriah Shining Dove Snyder as Mary

Click here for previous The Review.

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