Sunday, August 2, 2020

The Review: Ip Man

Ip Man 7/10

I watched this crazy ass movie called Ip Man. It came out years ago and I had heard of it and seen fight scenes but didn't have a desire to really check it out. I watched the first few minutes one day and finished the rest another and really liked this movie. It is about this Wing Chun master in Foshan who is constantly being either challenged to a duel or asked to be a teacher. He doesn't want to do either. I'm not quite sure what he does for money but he and his family appear very well off. One day this dude and his crew show up and start beating the shit out of every other master. Literally like “Oh you thought you was raw? Smack! Not anymore.” Their leader, Jin, walks into Ip Man's house with all levels of disrespect and challenges him. His wife tells him to not break anything. He ends up destroying this guy in front of his friends and the whole town laughs as if they could do anything.

Japan invades China and everything is fucked. Ip Man and his family are barely making it through so he decides to go work in the coal mine or whatever for food and money. This cop from better times is working as a translator for a Japanese general and every day they show up for fighters to show some skill and they get a bag of rice. This old master whips asses and gets his rice. One day he challenges three guys at once and loses. He gets shot in the head so Ip Man is like “Now I wanna fight.” I beats up ten dudes at once. He wants the general and the general wants him but Ip Man holds back for his family. Eventually they do end up fighting but it wasn't as cool as other fights in the movie. It was cool but not as cool. Ip Man wins but gets shot but lives somehow.

I liked the look of this movie. It had a muted tone once the war happened so anything that had color popped. They made them potatoes look delicious. The fight scenes were incredible and I hope those stunt men got paid well because some of them were just eating fists to the face. There are like three more of these movies but I have heard they get progressively worse. I know Mike Tyson is in one which makes zero sense to me.

Donnie Yen as Ip Man
Lynn Hung as Cheung Wing-sing
Hiroyuki Ikeuchi as General Miura
Tenma Shibuya as Colonel Sato 

Click here for previous The Review.

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