Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Review: Lovecraft Country S1E1

Episode 1 “Sundown”

Full of spoilers. I finally started watching Lovecraft Country. The trailer for this looked intense so I expect that this show is gonna have me living in clenched city most of the time. And so far it did. I am also sure a lot of people have discovered what a “sundown town” is from this. Or that horrible looking movie Green Book. I can't be mad. I didn't know about the Tulsa massacre until watching Watchmen and going “Why does Wikipedia have a link to...oh fuck. That really happened.” This starts off with a guy named Tic riding a bus to Chicago with another woman. Oh, wait. It starts with an insane dream where Jackie Robinson saves him from Cthulhu. So, yeah. He is on a bus heading to Chicago with a Black woman when the bus breaks down. They all get off and a ride comes...for everyone not Black. They end up walking the rest of the way.

He meets with his uncle named George. Tic got a letter from his father and his mothers side of the family and want to investigate it. They are joined by Leti who just came back into town. Her sister doesn't like her. Her brother don't like her. I get the feeling she isn't a very nice person. She wants them to drop her off along the way but that doesn't work because her brother can't stand her ass. This is where you see how not fun it is being Black. They find a small town and order a meal. Leti overhears the cook talking to someone as Tic looks at the bricks painted white (the place they were originally looking for was burned next door) and they rush out of town being chased by men with guns. Just when they are about to be killed a silver car that has been around since Chicago and was described as being the last place Tic's father was seen getting into arrives and makes the truck flip over...somehow.

They find out about some attacks in the woods and a sheriff they need to be on the lookout for. So of course as they stop he pulls up with his gun. He lets them know this is a sundown town and they have less than ten minutes until he will hang them from trees. As they are racing away they have to slow down because the sheriff is following them and will pull them over for speeding. This scene was tense as hell! They just make it out of town as the sun begins to set...and runs into another group of police and men with guns. They are dragged to some woods and accused of being burglars. The sheriff wonders how Tic, from another state, knows his name. Next thing you know there is this weird ass sound coming from the woods and then these monsters start snatching folks.

Tic and Leti find a cabin and hide in there and two cops, including that sheriff who has his arm mauled, burst in. George manages to find his way there and they are being stalked by monsters and threatened by cops. They don't trust Tic and say Leti has to go find help. She books it being chased by these monsters and gets the car started and crashes into the cabin. One of the cops was bitten by a creature and his ass turned into one and ate the other cop! They get into the car and scare the creatures away with light until they are called away by someone or something.

They end up walking down a road, the sun is up, and end up at this nice looking place. A mansion. They walk to the front door and this guy opens it like “Hey, Tic. Been expecting you.” The hell?! I need to know what is going on here. Tic is a cool character. He didn't get along with his father because his father didn't think he should have enlisted to fight for a country that hates him. He isn't close with his uncle George because he never stuck up for Tic. Leti got no friends. I need to see where this ends up going.

Click here for previous The Review.

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