Monday, September 21, 2020

The Review: The Boys S2E4 and E5


"Nothing Like It in the World"

This episode had a lot going on! The Deep is being set up by his church cult to get a new bride. The episode has cuts of different women speaking and you're not sure what it is about until it is revealed that Deep is supposed to choose one. He wants the nasty one but that is not what his ass is gonna get. Frenchie is snorting coke and goes to console Kimiko and tries to kiss her. She shoves his ass away and leaves. He dumb. He shouldn't have done that. Homelander confronts Starlight over not killing Hughie when he told her to and uses his lie detecting ability while jamming his hand into her ribs. He lets her live. For now. 

Grace gives Billy an old ad with this hero Liberty we keep seeing hints of and he sends Mother's Milk and Hughie to go see what's up. She also gives Billy the location of where Becca is because she just straight up feels bad for him now. Billy finds Becca and they set up a secret meeting and start boning down and smoking. He wants her to run away with him but she is reluctant having a kid and all. It is Homelander's kid but still. It's hers. I don't know. I ain't a parent. 

He goes to this house and fucking Stillwell is there! They go into their old creepy routine where she mothers him and rubs his head while its in her lap. They sit and watch a movie and suddenly, holy crap, its Doppelganger! Homelander gets pissed. He isn't mad he was tricked. He is mad that Doppelganger slipped back into normal form. He says it hurts to stay changed so longer but Homelander don't care and forces him to change back so they can continue doing whatever freaky ass nonsense they do. Ugh.

During the trip Hughie brings Starlight along. They awkward. The situation is awkward. They start singing together and Mother's Milk is like “This ain't no field trip or date!” At a motel Hughie and Starlight bone down. She brings up Mother's Milk's OCD's. I get it. I used to have mad OCD. On a talk show Homelander is confronted with the fact that The Seven are all White. He recently fired A-Train because he is no longer the fastest since he drug induced heart attack. He says Black Noir represents...some group. Then he says they have a lesbian and fucking outs Maeve! Turns out he knows all about her secret relationship and is gonna hold this against her. He also goes to talk to Stormfront because she has all of social media shitting on him. And by confront I mean threaten to laser her. She says he needs to get with the times.

Back with Hughie and Mother's Milk and Starlight they find the house of this older lady who does not want to talk about Liberty. I thought she was her at first. Mother's Milk shares the story of how his father died at the typewriter fighting against Vought. She reveals that her brother was killed by Liberty decades ago and Vought paid them a couple grand to not talk about it. They say Liberty has to be older now and the lady is like “No. Here she is” and shows them the front page of the newspaper and it is Stormfront! That explains her racism as she killed this lady's brother just because he was Black.

Kimiko is in full revenge mode and goes to a Stormfront rally and to kill her but is stopped by Frenchie who tells her that she will be killed. Billy and Becca meet again and he is pissed that she wont leave her kid because he is a Supe and not worth staying for. She knows how he feels about Supe's and her kid and she wont leave which ends Butcher. Hughie and Starlight cant get back together because the shit is just super not healthy for either of them. Homelander meets up with Doppelganger again and the Stillwell trick isn't working for him anymore. Dude fucking turns into Homelander, just smaller, and offers him a blowjob as he explains how great he is. Just when his pants are about to crack open he says he doesn't need anyone and breaks Doppelganger's neck. The fuck?!

"We Gotta Go Now"

Butcher is down in the dumps. His wife he has spent the last eight years searching for wont leave her Supe son to be with him. He calls Hughie and tells him that he is his canary while out shopping for stuffed animals. Hughie tells Mother's Milk that Butcher is acting weird and being nice. Mother's Milk wants to know exactly what was said. Meanwhile Kimiko is out in the streets full of vengeance. She walks into this shop and the guys don't take her seriously until she literally rips a guys face off. Like, his face comes off! The shit was brutal.

Homelander flies over to another country, lasers a Supe, and flies away. It was all recorded and it turns out he lasered an innocent person as well. He doesn't care. They are on the set of the new Seven movie. He rewrites things to where Maeve comes out of the closet. They want her girlfriend to play along with the PR and she is having none of it. Maeve in not so many words says that she has to play along or Homelander will kill her.

Butcher heads to his aunts place and Mother's Milk and Hughie show up. He tells them to leave but they say they are there for him as friends. He is about to leave when he spots Black Noir on the roof of a neighbors house. Butcher lets the team know and they begin prepping for some violence. Hell, even Butcher's aunt is down for this. This episode also introduces Butcher's dog Terror. I know in the comic he fucks on command anything Butcher tells him to. Butcher's aunt says that Hughie looks like Butcher's brother who is dead. Just when we are about to find out what happened to him Black Noir starts setting off all the explosions they planted. Earlier they called in a gas leak to buy more time. Black Noir is full of nails but alive. He knives Mother's Milk. Tosses Hughie after eating his bullets. Bitch slaps Butcher. He is about to go after Terror and Butcher says if he touches the dog that information will be released about Homelander having a kid and more horrible shit about Vought. Black Noir's phone rings and Mr. Edgar says he will let them live if they don;t release the information. Butcher agrees. His ass has no real proof of what he was talking about. He was bluffing.

Homelander shows up at an anti-Homelander/Vought rally and tries to be friendly and talk to the crowd. They turn on his ass and he lasers hundreds of them. It was a fantasy s he flies off to go talk to Stormfront about improving his image. This woman is in full asshole mode. Starlight's mother shows up to talk to her and Stormfront is acting as a mediator. Starlight is still pissed off. She sneaks into Stormfront's trailer and finds evidence of her being Liberty. Homelander walks in before anything happens. Oh, A-Train doesn't want to stick to the script he is given. This is his retirement that he is being forced into. Ashley, the lady that replaced Stillwell and is terrified of Homelander, tells him he will do the script the way it is written or be in breach of contract and the fact that he had a drug related heart attack revealed to the public.

Frenchie is trailing Kimiko and finds her in church getting missions from his old girlfriend. She is a damn hitman now! She gets mad at him and starts signing at him and he gets mad because he doesn't understand her and she wont teach him to. Homelander is happy that with Stormfront's help that his approval rating is rising again. He is thankful and they start flirting and I got nervous as fuck. She tells him to use his lasers on her. He warns her she will be cut in half. She tells him to try and it singes her chest and he stops. She calls him a pussy and he starts cooking her ass! They kiss, punch each other, launch each other across the room, fuck. It is terrible for everyone on this show that is not these two.

Click here for previous The Review.

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