Tuesday, October 6, 2020

The Review: Ajin Demi Human


Ajin Demi-Human 5/10

I heard about this while watching Corridor Digital after a guest talked about how wasted of an opportunity that move The Old Guard had with the fact that the characters could not die. I ended up watching both seasons of this in two days. Not that it was that damned good but the episodes were short and it was a very watchable show. There is this kid named Kei Nagai that gets hit by a truck and comes back to life. How? There are these things called Ajin and people are terrified of them and the governments all over want to study them for all kinda reasons. The kid ends up getting captured and tortured before escaping and running with then away from this extremist dude named Satou who is also a Ajin who just wants to treat everything like a game instead of fighting for Ajin rights like he pretends. This could have been a movie or two. I think watch the first and last three episodes of each season will give you enough information regarding this series. They tease a third season but I'm good.

Click here for previous the Review.

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