Saturday, December 26, 2020

The Review: Raised By Wolves

Raised By Wolves 9/10

Spoilers! How would I even begin to try and explain what Raised By Wolves is? I started watching it months ago with CK and stopped for a few weeks thinking I was almost done. It was only four episodes. I don't mean that in a bad way. The show isn't slow. Its methodical and if you are looking for constant action this is not for you. This is about these two androids named Mother and Father that land on a planet called Kepler-22b because humans have fucked up the planet fighting over religion. They have a batch of kids that Mother has to birth so that they can start the race all over again. As atheists. That's the most important part. So they start raising all these kids and one ends up falling in a hole and the rest start dying mysteriously except for one of them. I was like “This lady robot is killing the fuck out these kids!”

As they are raising the one kid that's alive more humans show up and they are super religious! Like, scary religious. Bible study twice a week scary. They try to hide that Mother is an android because these folks hate them. Know why? Cause they insane! Back on Earth we see some flashbacks of what an android like Mother, known as a Necromancer, is capable of. See it as well during the series and it is legit terrifying when she gets going. There is a lot more to this show. There are monsters, creatures, science, magic, religion, and insanity. The last episode had me “What the fuck?”-ing so many times that I really hope that they do one or two more seasons of this. Great acting. Cool scenery. Super nice music. Loved the theme. Never skipped it.

Amanda Collin as Mother

Abubakar Salim as Father

Winta McGrath as Campion

Niamh Algar as Sue/Mary

Travis Fimmel as Marcus/Caleb

Click here for previous The Review.

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