Monday, April 12, 2021

The Review: Who Killed Sara?

Who Killed Sara? MESSY/10

Full of spoilers. I watched this a week ago and the Wiki page for this series Who Killed Sara? on Netflix has no episode breakdowns so I am gonna go based on what I remember about ten episodes of a show in Spanish that is fucking crazy. This is about a guy named Alex whose sister Sara gets killed during a boat trip after she falls from a parachute that looks to have had the rope and harness cut. Each episode introduces more suspects so do not waste your time trying to play detective because you will be consistently wrong every 40 minutes of this.

So as teens Alex, Sara, and two brothers that belong to a rich and corrupt family named Rodolfo and Chema Lazcano (and the rest...) are having fun and sailing and drinking. Doing rich folk shit. Sara volunteers to go first and is having fun in the air until she gets real squirrely real fast. Her brother Alex says to slow the boat because something is wrong but they speed up instead. She ends up plopping into the water. They swim to her and rush her to the dock but it appears that she is dead.

This show is not told even close to linear. You can not half pay attention to this. No looking at your phone or any of that shit you kids do. If you walk away for ten seconds you will be baffled later. Alex ends up taking the fall for her death because the rich father Cesar is like “Hey. If you go to jail, two weeks max, I will make sure you mother gets a donor she needs. I raised you like a son. It'll be fine.” Next thing you know he is sentenced to 30 years in prison prison for murdering his sister. He gets out after 18 years for good behavior and sets up shop at his old home with plans to fuck this family all the way up.

Rodolfo, well it turns out that Sara was pregnant with his child. He runs the casino but it kinda dumb and everyone knows it. He is now married and has a step-son named Bruno. I'm not even sure how much of Bruno I will get into. Maybe later. So Rodolfo can not get his wife pregnant for the last five years and seems to blame her consistently for it. We later find out that she is indeed pregnant but by his father, Cesar! Cesar is the worst! Rodolfo got a vasectomy after the death of Sara so it for sure ain't his kid. He is trying to be good with Alex again but its hard when you just spent almost two decades in prison for some shit you had nothing to do with.

Chema is the other brother who is a pervert. Since they were younger he was filming everything they all did including video taping Alex showering and jerking it while he did so. He even gets into a three-way with him and grabs Alex's dick. Sir! So Chema is not accepted by his father at all because he is gay. He is married to a lawyer. He knows some shit and burned all his tapes after Alex asked for them. He runs into an old friend and asks her to be the surrogate for he and his husbands baby but she got an abusive ex and she can not shut the fuck up when she should absolutely shut the fuck up when she should. She's the worst. I don't trust her.

Mariana Lazcano is the mother of the evil family. She seems to be all nice and good but it turns out she is that crazy old version of religious. She wraps a spiked thing around her leg and tightens it until she bleeds. Turns out she wanted Sara killed because her getting pregnant by Rodolfo was a mistake to her. She is also fucking Elroy who is the most unlucky man to exist but don't feel bad for him because he has been murdering since he was a child. He knocked his mama off a ladder. Set his molesting ass father on fire. He is a creep. Back to the mom. She is not as innocent as she seemed whatsoever and set it up for Sara to be killed. Somehow. I'm still not sure.

Elisa is the daughter who was too young to know how bad her family was. She is supposed to leave for college in Spain but ends up helping Alex figure out the truth regarding the death of his sister. At times she is confusing to me because she wants to take her family down but seems to worry about what that actually means. Alex is coming for blood! He can't go to the cops or anything because Cesar runs them as well. Elisa knows that there is something bad under the casino but forgets what it is because she was young. She later remembers that it is a brothel full of women brought from other countries.

Might as well talk about Bruno now. So this is Roldolfo's step-son. His grandfather Cesar takes him on hunting trip to kill a deer. He doesn't want to because it has a child. Cesar calls him gay and shoots both dead himself. He also takes Bruno to the brothel section to have sex. He doesn't but the Hungarian woman and he can not understand each other. She is able to say “Help.” He tries. He fails. She dead. He is wrecked. This boy has the least amount of power in this. He is purely a victim of the crazy shit that is the family his mother married into.

Cesar is the father of all this chaos. He cheats on his wife with his sons wife and gets her pregnant. He sets up multiple people to be murdered. He is a sex trafficker. And one of the worst things he did was get Sara pregnant! Yes. This fucker got that teenage girl pregnant and gave no fucks about it. She ends up lying to Rodolfo and saying it is his. This man even when confronted with truth will shut it down. He is homophobic. He is a shit man in every sense of the word. This man is trash. I am pissed that he survived the season even though they trying to make it seem like he may not have had Sara killed.

Alex is just Alex. He has no real personality other than revenge which is why I haven't talked about him all that much other than saying that he wants to take this family out. I think if he did he would end up just killing himself or something. He is very flat.

Sara is not the innocent flower she is painted out to be. She wants to out Chema when they are younger and he ends up slamming her into a wall. She fucks Rodolfo and Cesar. By the way, everyone she comes in contact with wants to fuck her. Like, she can hug a guy and they wanna start kissing her. Its crazy. She is now haunting everyone later in the episodes. They end up showing some extra stuff at the end that makes it seem like everything we watched was wrong. New season starts in May which is next month and I am ready for this messy ass show.

Manolo Cardona as Álex Guzmán

Alejandro Nones as Rodolfo Lazcano

Ximena Lamadrid as Sara Guzmán

Carolina Miranda as Elisa Lazcano

Eugenio Siller as Chema Lazcano

Fátima Molina as Clara

Ginés García Millán as César Lazcano

Claudia Ramírez as Mariana Lazcano

Héctor Jiménez as Elroy

Click here for previous The Review.

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