Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Review: Jupiter's Legacy

Jupiter’s Legacy 0/10

Is this for real? I decided to watch the first episode of Jupiter’s Legacy on Netflix because I like the writer. After the first episode I am super okay with not finishing this. It is about a superhero family/team that is falling the fuck apart. The father has old fashioned views. The mom is a mom. The daughter is a fuck up. The son is trying to be like his dad but has a temper. The team fight a villain and the son ends up killing him but it’s a clone or something. I’m sure I can read about it later and find out. They released all the episodes at once. Just read what happens. I’m good on not finishing this. I don’t mind the bad special effects so much as the acting. Holy crap it was not good. Everyone spoke in exposition and there are flashbacks explaining the main heroes past. I don’t care. Not finishing this. You can’t be making shows this bad considering how great so many other ones are. And don’t get me started on the wigs. Jesus.

Click here for previous The Review.

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