Thursday, May 13, 2021

The Review: Made For Love Season One

Made For Love 8/10

I ended up finishing this show weeks ago and got wrapped up in watching a bunch of other shows so this review is late as hell. The basic premise is a woman leaves her marriage due to the fact that her husband is a controlling lunatic genius that implanted a device in her head so that he can see and hear everything she is doing under the guise of love and being closer. This device is supposed to be so that couples can be more open with each other.

The main character is named Hazel and I covered her escape in the first post (click here for that). She ends up heading back home to see her father, Herbert. She has not seen him in years because as we see through a flashback episode the day she met her husband Byron Gogol she was wined and dined and never came back home. Her mother died and Herbert just drank and neglected her and now takes better care of his sex doll than he ever did his daughter. While she tries to figure out a way to get the device from her head Byron and his team are hunting her down.

This was a fun show with cool effects and endearing characters. Oh, and the soundtrack for this show was amazing. I noticed that on each episode. They also do the thing I like in series where a flashback episode isn’t a waste of time but fills in great blanks while also showing that people are not as one dimensional as they appear. Hazel isn’t the damsel in distress as she appears. Herbert isn’t just some drunk neglectful father. Byron is Byron though. He has no real character development but that works for the story that was being told. The show ends on a down note but I was fine with it. I don’t think this needs another season but chances are they will make another. I can’t picture this continuing without it either being exactly like the first with Hazel trying to once again escape or just watching her be tortured all over.

Cristin Milioti as Hazel Green-Gogol

Billy Magnussen as Byron Gogol

Dan Bakkedahl as Herringbone

Noma Dumezweni as Fiffany

Ray Romano as Herbert Green

Augusto Aguilera as Liver

Click here for previous The Review.

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