Tuesday, June 22, 2021

The Review: How Stella Got Her Groove Back

How Stella Got Her Groove Back 5/10

Last on the list of Black films I managed to never see was How Stella Got Her Groove Back. Of course I had heard of this movie and knew what it was about through jokes and such over the years. This about Stella Payne. She works as a stockbroker and is a single mother that works too hard. That is it for her character development. One day she finally takes some time off and goes on vacation to Jamaica with her friend Delilah. Delilah has some men for them but Stella wants none of it. She immediately finds this guy named Winston Shakespeare. He sweeps her off her feet but she doesn't want to deal with him because she is 40 and he is 20. They go back and forth about their age difference and eventually he visits her and everything seems perfect. All kinds of drama happens like Delilah dying (which I knew was gonna happen). Stella loses her job. She begins to feel the age gap more and more. One of her sisters is an asshole who won't shut the fuck up and just go and be pregnant. Winston gets along with her friends and family but when Stella meets his mother she is like “I am 41 and you 40. The fuck you doing with my son?!” It gets to the point where Winston decides that he is going back home to study to become a doctor. He heads to the airport and everything. Suddenly as he is heading to his plane Stella shows up and accepts his proposal from earlier. I forgot to mention that. This movie was fine. I just wish Stella had a personality. I didn't see anything special about her other than her looks that would make someone leave their country and life behind for her. Unless you 20 and dumb.

Angela Bassett as Stella Payne

Taye Diggs as Winston Shakespeare

Whoopi Goldberg as Delilah Abraham

Regina King as Vanessa

Suzzanne Douglas as Angela

Michael J. Pagan as Quincy Payne

Click here for previous The Review.

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