Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Review: Sweet Tooth

Sweet Tooth 4/10

You ever watch a show and sigh and curse a lot but keep watching it because its not so bad you'll quit but its not good enough to tell people you like to watch it? That's Sweet Tooth. L. and I watched this recently when I was just looking for something to occupy some time. It is about a virus that everyone is afraid of getting because these blue flowers start showing up and they die and kids are being born as hybrids of an animal. The main character is Gus who is half a deer which is a lame ass thing to be half of if you ask me. This kid caused me to curse way more than almost any other show I've seen. Everything he does that he shouldn't puts lives at risk. Okay. I am getting ahead of myself.

So this dude I will call Pubba who is Gus' father takes him into Yellowstone Park just as shit is getting squirrely in the world. He raises this baby into a young boy before one day dying. Not exactly sure why he does but he does. So the boy raises himself and attempts to teach himself to defend himself with a slingshot. Its very not effective. One day some guys show up to kill him because they are The Last Men and what they do is find hybrids and straight up murder them. Gus is the oldest one for reasons I may or may not get into. So these Last Men are gonna get him because he sucks and suddenly this big ass dude named Jepperd saves him so of course Gus thinks he is bad and tries to attack him. Jepperd tries to show him how to grow his food properly. Gus ends up leaving with him on an adventure that almost gets Jepperd killed every episode.

Adita (Adi) Singh is a doctor who witnessed the virus up close. His wife ends up sick and he takes over for another doctor who is doing research for a cure. The cure needs a living hybrid so he is torn and just keeps making a treatment for his wife. He is annoying as hell. He is a terrible liar. He panics constantly. I didn't like him. His wife is like “You gotta kill some animal kids you kill some animal kids I don't wanna die!” He lives in this community with people and everything seems great which means its not. They are at a party at this dudes house and he turns out to be sick so they wrap him in plastic and burn him and his house while watching.

I should probably talk about the sickness. They call it The Sick. Not sure how fast it happens but it seems like a flu and your pinky finger starts shaking like crazy and then you die...eventually. Its not clear. So there's that.

The other story is this lady named Aimee. She likes not being a part of society. The Sick strikes when she is at work so she just stays and grows plants and chills until she heads outside and sees elephants, heads to the zoo, and sets up shop. She is doing just fine until someone drops a half pig baby girl at the zoo and she raises her like a daughter. Aimee starts bringing in more hybrids as time goes by and they looked all kinds of honked up. One is half sloth and he looks like trash.

At one point in their adventures Gus meets this girl named Bear. She runs a whole tribe like The Lost Boys from Peter Pan and she shows Gus candy and video games and how they are freedom fighters for Jepperd gotta die. Turns out he used to be a Last Man and hunt hybrids. They are gonna kill him with a real ass tiger until Bear has a change of heart. This girl named Tiger is like “Bump that!” and next thing you know the young folks are fighting and Gus and Jepperd escape. Bear comes with them and bickers with Jepperd. Its annoying. I don't like her. She looks 12 and sounds 30.

The rest of the show is everyone getting fucked up leading to a second season because Netflix. Jepperd gets shot. Aimee saves him after having all her kids taken from the zoo. Adi and his wife get taken away and he is forced to actually try to make a cure. They are lucky to get taken because their horse killed a snitchy ass neighbor and he hides her body in the freezer and get caught and then the wife is discovered to be sick so they are set on fire and then the military show up and save then capture them. What else? Gus finds out that he was created and his mom is not his mom but a doctor who possibly started all this shit and his dad was just the janitor that the mom was like “Save him” and that's it. Adi is about to cut into Gus until he says thanks after getting a candy bar. Turns out his mom is still alive. Its a lot of shit. Hope no one gets their hopes up because like I said...Netflix.

Nonso Anozie as Tommy Jepperd

Christian Convery as Gus

Adeel Akhtar as Dr. Aditya Singh

Stefania LaVie Owen as Bear

Dania Ramirez as Aimee Eden

Aliza Vellani as Rani Singh

Will Forte as Pubba

Sarah Peirse as Dr. Gladys

Neil Sandilands as General Abbot

Click here for previous The Review.

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