Sunday, October 3, 2021

The Review: La Brea

La Brea Season One Episode One 2/10

I knew from the trailer for this series that it would be bad but my stomach hurt and I needed something to watch so I decided to check this out on Hulu. I'll let you know now that I wont be finishing because its not good. Its maddening and funny but is supposed to be serious somehow. This is just me talking shit while I watched.

Oh god. All that damn traffic. I've been to the La Brea tar pits lots of times. It stinks but is cool. Like me.

Smart ass dude and a girl with a handicap and a tense mom. Okay.

These “teens” look super grown.

What school do they even go to? Fairfax High is the other way.

Those bubbles at the pits is normal.

Oh. Never mind.

Hahaha! Traffic cop fell through the street! Just standing there watching the road crackling all around her.

This woman is driving like no one else is on the street! What an asshole! She rams another car and doesn't even look to see if they okay.

Where'd this helpless little girls mom go? Parents are the worst.

The street done ate the boy. Its not like the streets are hundreds of feet deep.

Mom killed herself. Good thing the ground stopped cracking long enough for them to chat.


So...this should be the end of the series. The brother is likely gonna survive. The mom just tapped out on reality.

Father? I mean...look at this guy drinking in the car like an asshole.

Sitting this close to him this lady interviewing him would be like “Have you been drinking?” People who drink always think they cover it up. You don't. People just don't wanna argue with a drunk.

Got me looking for my street near this big ass sink hole.

He found his daughter easy. She for sure smells his breath.

What the fuck?! Are those vultures?!


Okay so mom is still alive. She in the Twilight Zone or something?

Oh, so this is one of those shows. Guess this will be my first and last time watching this.

People always check their phones in an alternate reality when they can't even get service in a parking lot.

When I am lost of whatnot my instinct is not to wander. I stay the fuck put.

Who this man with a gun?!

So this hole brought that ugly car museum with it. And an entire bus stop?!

She found her kid. These folks find one another easy.

Who is this punk ass girl with the attitude?

"What's wrong with that guy?" Why does everyone have such a shitty attitude?

Glasses?! Nobody worried about finding your glasses! We just fell through a hole into another reality!

Gay couple. This show is representing everything, isn't it? Not complaining. Just weird how new shows try really hard now. Just waiting for someone with a mental illness to appear. Maybe it was the giggling man.

Where are the homeless people? I know that area. This reality would be crawling with them.

Fuck your wedding ring, mom! Yes. I just said that out loud.

They just made a Lost reference which means this show wont know how to end either.

They arguing over protein bars. They all just got there and are going full Lord Of The Flies.

A trunk full of heroin. Know what? I don't do drugs but that would be the perfect time.

A wolf?! A dire wolf?!

That is the biggest fucking wolf in the history of wolf!

Why y'all standing around staring? These are bear sized wolves!

Is the son gonna turn into a wolf? I hope so. I might watch if he turns into a werewolf.

They doing a press conference right in front of the hole?

What happened to the vulture dinosaurs? No one is gonna ask where the fuck them things went?

Wait. What? Why is the father having psychic visions? This show is baaaaaaad.

I hate when a feed is lost and people act like it was done on purpose.

The hell is this dudes problem? You shot a monster wolf. Cheer up!

Is this father and daughter really arguing about her dropping out of school right now?! Pick. Your. Spot.

Go find some damn supplies before the junkies get to it. There's always a junkie.

Is he about to kill himself?!

"All I feel is pain." Sir.

That sink hole is clean. No water pipes or nothin'.

This man just saw the drone crash in his mind.

This show seems like it is the second season of a show I never watched.

No one believes drunk, psychic dad.

They always give Black folk health problems. This man is gasping!

The elephant from the tar pits is just chillin'.

You need to straddle that young man to warm him up. That's the only thing to help with wolf bites. I read it in a book...

People always say they ain't crazy while acting crazy.

He found his wife's ring.

This dude feels bad about almost letting this girl get ate by that wolf.

My ass would be on the other side of the woods wearing wolf pelts and waiting for this shit to be over. Everyone is too annoying.

Who the fuck is this guy?! Fucking Grizzly Man appears out the shadows.

Wait. How long it take them to find that ambulance? They been gone like all day it seems. Hollywood Hills? It wouldn't take that damn long.

The fuck?! A saber-tooth tiger?!

These clips are making sure I never watch another moment of this show. Y'all have fun.

Click here for previous The Review.

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